  • 學位論文


Factors Associated with Smoking Cessation Behavior among Male Older Smokers

指導教授 : 黃芷苓


台灣2012年「成人吸菸行為調查」顯示,中老年人有較高的戒菸率,但嘗試戒菸比率卻偏低,目前針對中老年人戒菸行為研究國內外皆顯不足。探討影響中老年男性吸菸者的戒菸行為之相關因素。本研究設計為橫斷性研究,於2013年12月至2014年3月在南部20個區,以立意取樣召募到240位年滿50歲男性有吸菸經驗者,共得有效樣本211位。以面對面訪談方式收集資料,研究工具為結構式問卷共66題,包括社會人口學、嘗試戒菸、吸菸依賴、戒菸自我效能、戒菸動機、社會支持、社會文化、禁菸政策、家中二手菸規定、社會規範與戒菸行為,戒菸行為包含行為改變階段與成功戒菸,統計方法為描述性統計、t檢定、卡方檢定、邏輯式迴歸分析。本研究結果發現,吸菸依賴(AOR= 0.92;95% CI=0.87-0.97)與戒菸自我效能(AOR= 1.08;95% CI=1.03-1.14)除了是影響行為改變的重要因素;另外,吸菸依賴(AOR= 0.71;95% CI=0.57-0.84)與戒菸自我效能(AOR= 1.22;95% CI=1.07-1.44)也是影響成功戒菸的重要因素。吸菸依賴與戒菸自我效能為中老年男性戒菸行為的重要因素,建議未來制定中老年人戒菸措施,首要為減低吸菸依賴、提升戒菸自我效能,藉此幫助戒菸行為的改變,以期能更進一步提升戒菸率。


戒菸行為 因素 中老年 男性


According to the annual report “Adult Smoking Behavior Survey” in 2012, the older smokers have higher cessation rate than other age groups, but lower rate of quit attempt. However, few studies focus on the related factors of cessation behaviours in older smokers.The aims of the study were to determine the factors influencing cessation behaviors among male older smokers.A cross-sectional design using purposive sampling was conducted from December 2013 to March 2014 at twenty districts in southern Taiwan. A total 240 ever-smokers aged 50 years and above were recruited. Only 211 participants provided completed data and were included as study subjects. Data were collected via face to face interviews and questionnaire. The 66-item structured questionnaire included demographics data, cigarette dependence, self-efficacy of cessation, motives to cessation, social support, social smoking motives, tobacco control policies, smoke-free home, social-norms, and smoking behaviors (change smoking behavior and successful smoking cessation). Data analyses were conducted using descriptive, t-test, chi-square test, logistic regression in JMP 9.0 statistic software.The results of the study found that cigarette dependence (AOR= 0.92;95% CI=0.87-0.97) and self-efficacy of cessation(AOR= 1.08;95% CI=1.03-1.14) were important factors associated with change smoking behavior. Moreover cigarette dependence (AOR= 0.71;95% CI=0.57-0.84) and self-efficacy of cessation(AOR= 1.22;95% CI=1.07-1.44) were also important factors associated with change smoking behavior.The results indicated that cigarette dependence and self-efficacy of cessation were the major factors influencing smoking cessation behaviors in male older smokers. These findings suggested health policy makers to develop smoking cessation interventions specific to reduce cigarette dependence and enhance self-efficacy of cessation, in order to change smoking behavior and increase cessation rate.


smoking cessation factor older people male smoker


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