  • 學位論文


The Effect of NIMBY on Real Estate Prices from People Concept–A Case Study in Chiayi County

指導教授 : 吳永隆


台灣由於為海島型國家地小人稠,隨著現代社會的發展,每個人都希望興建更多的公共設施來運用,但卻不希望這些公共建設影響到自己的生活範圍。也自然的使這些公共設施與社區產生衝突,稱之為「鄰避」(NIMBY ,Not In My Back Yard)。 本研究透過問卷形式瞭解一般民眾對於最不受歡迎之鄰避設施依序為「喪葬類」、「電力設施」、「加油站」、「廟宇」最後為「醫院」,另蒐集之嘉義地區房地產交易價格實際案例,藉由多元迴歸方式來瞭解購買者對於鄰避設施之遠近,得知以「加油站」為例,每接近加油站1公尺,不動產單價下降440元;以「電力設施」為例,每接近電力設施1公尺,不動產單價下降140元;以「廟宇」為例,每接近廟宇1公尺,不動產單價上昇90元;以「醫院」為例,每接近醫院1公尺,不動產單價下降190元。 內政部強制不動產交易實價登錄訂於101年8月1日起實施;待其政策實施些年後,屆時對於台灣地區房地市場交易價格資訊掌握更為完整、透明、確實、便利。將有助於相關研究資料蒐集取樣,相信對於提升研究結果客觀性亦有相當助益。


Public facilities such as roads, parks and hospitals are the essential constructions in every community. However, in the highly density residential communities the public facilities may cause severe conflicts. The NIMBY, Not In My Back Yard, are the public facilities which bring negative effects to the neighborhood and decrease their life quality. The present study designs questionnaire to investigate what are the most unwanted public facilities in community. The ranking of most unwanted NIMBY are funeral related, power facilities, gas station, temples and hospitals. Another study used multiple regression equation to analyze the house price in Chiayi. The result revealed that the distance to the NIMBY affects the selling price of house. The price of real estate decreases NT 440 dollars per meter closer to the gas station. Take power facilities as another example. The price drops NT 140 dollars per meter closer to the devices. Besides, the prices drop NT 90 dollars per meter for temples and NT 190 dollars per meter for hospitals. The Social Welfare Administration has brought the policy of “registration at real price for real estate transaction” into force on August 1st. It will be more convenient, transparent to handle the exact price for real estate once the policy executed. In addition, it will be very helpful for gathering information and also providing more objective results for related studies.


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