目前的西洋文學兒童版譯本,多有對原著加以修改增刪之情形。本研究以翻譯目的論、羅森.布雷特(L. M. Rosenblatt)等的閱讀理論為研究理論框架,探討兒童對飛寶出版社出版、蘇林譯寫的《湯姆歷險記》兒童版譯本翻譯策略之接受度。 本論文整理羅森布雷特等的閱讀理論和兒童文學翻譯相關文獻後,歸納出適合兒童閱讀之「不失原著意義原則」與「譯文文句活潑與多樣化原則」之翻譯策略。之後用貼近原著翻譯的一般譯本,作為與兒童版譯本之參照,並透過515份台南市四所國小高年級兒童填答之有效問卷的結果進行統計分析。 研究結果發現,過半數的兒童認為改寫後的兒童版譯本內容大致與原著情節相似,但增譯後的譯文則和原文有所出入。刪除原著內容的部分,絕大多數的兒童表示,能理解遭譯者刪去的原文情節。故譯者在刪除原著內容或改寫之前,需詳加斟酌。另外,絕大多數的兒童亦表示,兒童版譯本因運用狀聲詞、對話形式、疊字、譬喻修辭、誇飾修辭、擬人法和成語等策略,故閱讀起來較一般譯本生動活潑有趣。
Current children’s literature is mostly translated into Chinese by adaptation, and only a few studies have addressed this topic. This thesis aims to explore children’s acceptance of the strategies adopted in translating The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for children by Su Lin. This study employs Skopos Theory and reading theories (esp. Rosenblatt’s reader-response theory) as its theoretical framework and has identified “translation fidelity” and “translation with lively and diversified features” as guiding principles for translating a literary work for children. Methodologically by administering a questionnaire, this study has gained some feedback from 515 fifth and sixth graders from Tainan City. According to the research results, most of the children agree that the content of the adapted translation of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is semantically similar to the original. However, most of them think the parts translated by using amplification method are semantically different from those of the original. The result also shows that most children can fill in the meaning gap of the deleted parts in the translation for understanding the whole story. This research suggests that translators have to be careful about using omission and adaptation method, while it confirms application of rhetorical devices–Chinese onomatopoeia, dialogues, reiteratives, metaphors, hyperbole, personification and Chinese four-character proverbs – demonstrates the lively and diversified style of the translation.