  • 學位論文


The key factors within the different pay & reward system of real estate agencies that affect the workers decisions

指導教授 : 劉春初


房地產一向是火車頭工業,引領著許許多多產業後續的發展,但近年來因漲幅過大,造成所謂「居住正義」的聲浪大起,政府開始一連串的打房措施,如融資管制、調高地價稅、調整房屋現值、豪宅稅、奢侈稅及房地合一等等,不外乎希望能將高漲的房價降溫、減壓。房地產交易量的多寡,直接影響到經營業者的生存,從業人員的收入,及管理階層對市場脈動的掌握,而業界所採取人員薪獎制度的差異,在面對從業人員的選擇意向也有不同的考量。   本研究旨在探討不同的薪獎制度對從業人員選擇意向的關鍵因素,所以將研究對象分為兩步驟。首先,先依據專家意見訪談,針對主題內容進行深度論述,歸納整理出基本架構,協助完成問卷的層級構面,包含評估主準則的「工作特性」細分1.團隊合作2.工作時數3.自主管理效果三個構面;「個人特性」細分1.成就需求2.專業能力3.風險迴避三個構面;「環境特性」細分1.環境不確定性2.市場潛力3.政府政策;「組織特性」細分1.企業形象2.組織分配公平3.組織支持等;再以AHP問卷為主,藉以判定薪獎制度中各個關係因素之整體權重。   本研究實證結果提出三項研究命題:專業能力的表現、組織支持的重視與企業形象的建立。 1. 專業能力的表現:不動產買賣是屬商專業,高價格的商業行為,具備有足夠的專業能力,才能順利完成交易。 2. 組織支持的重視:不動產交易行為是一種團隊合作,需要許多的後勤支援,而從業人員努力工作與忠誠,來回報組織給予的支援,提升企業的獲利。 3. 企業形象的建立:提升企業形象,才能獲得消費者高度的認同,塑造企業正面形象,推廣企業文化,提高企業在消費者心中的地位,以提高市占率。


he real estate industry has always been one of the lead industries in Taiwan’s economy as it is the forefront of many other industries. However, due to the dramatic price changes in the real estate market, the talk about “ living justice” has become one of the hot topics in our society. The government responded by passing a series of regulations to prevent people from real estate speculation such as limitations on real estate financing, raising the tax rate for land, readjust the value of existing properties, luxury tax…etc, in hopes of modulating the raising prices of real estate. Since the amount of transactions in the real estate market directly impacts the survivability of a business and the salaries for employees, and business strategies. So, managers in each company will utilize different pay & reward system and management strategies in which they deem to be the best for its employees. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects the different salary and reward systems will have on employees. So the subjects in this study can be separated to two distinct parts. The first part focuses on an in depth discussion on salary systems on the experiences of experts in the real estate trading market to discover the key factors that affect the decisions of employees in real estate business. The second part is focused mainly of the surveys on AHP experts to determine the key factors that lead to the different pay & reward systems. The result of this study leads to three propositions: 1. Improved image of the real estate marketers. 2. Structural changes in salary systems. 3. Stability of government regulations and policies.


