  • 學位論文


A Study of the Life Insurance Agents’ In-service Training for Organizational Commitment and Job Performance Influence

指導教授 : 林秋娟


目前壽險市場乃為高流動率,壽險從業人員素質的好壞,對顧客滿意度、專業形象、公司聲譽有著極大影響,故壽險公司須為從業人員安排相關教育訓練課程,不過,壽險從業人員在接受訓練後是否能夠實際運用在工作上,提高績效,壽險公司往往疏於後續追蹤。同時壽險從業人員的組織承諾對壽險公司而言,更是一項攸關公司成敗的關鍵因子,因此本研究主要在探討壽險從業人員之教育訓練、組織承諾、工作績效及人口統計變項間之相關性。 本研究以外商壽險業從業人員為研究對象,共發放400份問卷,回收311份問卷,扣除無效之問卷4份,共回收有效問卷307 份,有效回收率為76.75%。再運用SPSS 10.0軟體進行敘述性統計分析、因素分析法、信度分析、變異數分析、雪費檢定分析、獨立樣本t檢定、多元迴歸分析、路徑分析,藉以了解壽險從業人員之教育訓練、組織承諾、工作績效及人口統計變項等四者間的關聯性。 經實證結果發現:從業人員之教育訓練對組織承諾是顯著相關的;從業人員之教育訓練對工作績效是顯著相關;從業人員之組織承諾對工作績效具顯著相關;不同年齡、不同性別與不同現職公司年資之壽險從業人員在任務績效方面有顯著差異;不同婚姻狀況之壽險從業人員在價值與留職承諾和脈絡績效有顯著差異;不同最高學歷之壽險從業人員在價值與留職承諾和脈絡績效有顯著差異;不同職位之壽險從業人員在留職承諾、任務績效及脈絡績效皆有顯著差異;另外,壽險從業人員之教育訓練會透過組織承諾間接影響工作績效。


At present the life insurance market is the high turnover rate, the quality of life insurance agents, to the customer satisfaction, the professional Images, the corporate reputation has the enormous influence, so the life insurance company must arrange relevant educational training programs for the employee. Even know the importance of education and training, but agents of the life insurance can use on the work actually after accepting training, raise performance, life insurance company negligent of follow-up track often. At the same time the organizational commitment of the life insurance agent for life insurance company, it is a key factor which concerns company's success or failure even more, so this research mainly in on-the-job training, the organizational commitment, job performance and demography of relativity. This study will focus on the agants of foreign life insurance company, a total of 307 employees were surveyed. The SPSS 10.0 software (reliability analysis, factor analysis descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, t-test, regression analysis, and path analysis) were used to analyze the data. So as to find out the relationship of on-the-job training, the organizational commitment, job performance and demography. Study conclusion: Agents’ job performance is significantly related to training, the training is significantly related to organization commitment, the organization commitment is significantly related to job performance. In addition, the training of life insurance agents will influence job performance indirectly through the organization's commitment.


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林志權(2009)。壽險業務人員教育訓練與業務績效關聯性之研究 –以C壽險公司為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.00628
