  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 林文德


吸菸對人類的健康產生極嚴重的負面影響,吸菸者平均比一般人減少13-14年的壽命,吸菸會增加冠狀動脈心臟病的死亡危險,但是只要能戒菸一年以後其冠心症發作的風險就可以下降至一半。為能幫助有吸菸的男性冠心症患者戒菸,因此本研究的目的是探討有吸菸經驗男性冠心症患者戒菸行為及其相關因素。 研究的方法採非實驗性立意橫斷式抽樣調查,利用結構式問卷由專業護理人員在心臟內科門診,個別訪談有吸菸經驗男性冠心症患者,自97年8月1日至97年12月10日共取得完整資料者130人。使用SPSS12.0統計軟體,以頻率分佈來描述樣本的特性,並卡方檢定及T檢定進行單變量分析,再以羅吉斯?邅k分析其相關性。 本研究結果為有吸菸經驗男性冠心症患者的特質是年齡61歲以上為多數佔63%,教育程度為國中以下居多佔76%,已婚佔91%,職業大多是無或退休,得病時間以5年以下佔多數68%,戒菸階段兩極化分佈於從未考慮戒菸及戒菸維持期,其個人心理因素對吸菸的優點評價較高,容易在社交場合與有吸菸的好友在一起時受其誘惑而想吸菸,教育程度越低越看重吸菸的優點,但其自我效能卻較高,年齡越大其自我效能越高且多處在戒菸中。年齡與自我效能是影響戒菸行為的重要因素。教育程度高明顯有較多的好友戒菸成功和感受較多的規勸,年齡輕較能接受他人的規勸,因此本研究建議宜加強對年輕60歲以下有吸菸男性冠心症患者及教育程度低者提供戒菸的規勸,且結合親友營造無菸的家庭社交生活,再者也應強化社會對吸菸的規範以幫助有吸菸的冠心症病患能戒菸成功。


冠心症 戒菸


Smoking has an extremely serious negative effect on one’s health. The smokers life span is reduced to about 13 – 14 years compared to the average person. Smoking increases the chances of death due to coronary artery heart disease, but as long as long as one can abstain from smoking for one year, the risk of coronary artery heart disease can be reduced to half. In order to help male adult smokers with coronary artery heart disease, the purpose of this study was to examine factors associated with smoking among male adult smokers with coronary artery heart disease or hospitalized for a cardiac event. This research method uses the non-experimental nature to determine a transverse type sample investigation cross-sectional survey design. With the help of a special nursing staff in Internal Medicine Heart Disease Out-patient Department using a structural formula questionnaire, individual interviews with patients male adult smokers with coronary artery heart disease were employed from August 1, 2008 to December 10, 2008, in all obtaining a complete data on 130 patients. Using the SPSS12.0 statistics software to describe the sampling characteristic by frequency distribution. At the same time, using Card square and T-square analysis to carry out single variable analysis. Again using a multivariate analysis hierarchical logistic regression to analyse its relevance. The special characteristic results of this study on male adult smokers with coronary artery heart disease are age 61 accounting for 63%, education level, majority of which is is below junior high school, accounting for 76%, married accounting for 91%, mostly are unemployed or retired, acquiring the disease within 5 years time is 68%. The stage of abstaining from smoking is divided into two main extremes, from considering quitting smoking to maintaining an abstinence from smoking. The individual psychological factor which attracts the smoker to appreciate using tobacco is high, in social circles and amongst friends they are easily tempted and urged to smoke. The lower the level of education the more they put importance the value of smoking, but self-efficac is relatively higher. The older the age, the higher is self-efficacy, the more they are in the middle of quitting smoking. Age and self-efficacy are important factors in quitting smoking. A higher education level obviously has a lot of friends who succeeded in quitting smoking and affected more persuasions, the younger age group are better to accept advises to quit smoking. Therefore, the study suggests appropriate enhancement in persuading those male adult smokers with coronary artery heart disease below 60 age group to quit smoking. Furthermore integrating the help of family and friends to create a smoke-free home and environment; strengthening the standard of society in helping those with coronary artery heart disease to successfully quit smoking.


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