  • 學位論文


A Study on Predicating the Perceived Quality of Video by Content Characteristics and Bitrates

指導教授 : 孫惠民


不同的視訊內容特徵與不同的資料傳輸率會影響到接收端的觀看品質,本研究利用MPEG-4的編解碼技術來對93筆視訊序列進行編解碼,之後利用群集分析與區別分析將其分類成6群;在這6群中分別選取一個視訊序列配合不同的資料傳輸率,試著找出受測者可接受的頻寬範圍,最後透過主觀與客觀的視訊品質量測方法來分析這6個不同特徵的視訊內容。在我們的實驗中,主觀的視訊品質量測法是採用雙受測連續性品質評分法(Double Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale, DSCQS)來讓受測者進行實驗;在客觀視訊品質量測法是使用尖峰訊號雜訊比(Peak Signal Noise Ratio, PSNR)來計算視訊品質。 綜合上述兩種分析結果,發現低移動低紋理的視訊在傳輸率2000kbps就可以達到觀看者可以滿意的程度;中移動低紋理的視訊在傳輸率4000kbps就可以達到觀看者可以滿意的程度;高移動低紋理的視訊在傳輸率4000kbps就可以達到觀看者可以滿意的程度;低移動高紋理的視訊在2000~4000kbps就可以達到觀看者滿意的程度;中移動高紋理的視訊在2000~4000kbps就可以達到觀看者滿意的程度;高移動高紋理的視訊在4000~6000kbps就可以達到觀看者滿以的程度。在6群不同型態的視訊下,當傳輸率小於3000kbps時,資料丟棄率達到50%左右可達到視訊滿意程度;傳輸率大於3000kbps時,則資料丟棄率必須控制在接近0%會比較適當。另外,我們的區別函數亦可提供使用者進行感受品質之預測。 關鍵詞:內容特徵,資料傳輸率,主觀的量測方法,客觀的評估方法,MPEG-4 FGS架構。


Different video content and bit rate can affect video quality. In this study, we select 93 video sequences encoded/decoded by the Microsoft MPEG-4 software. All sequences are classified into six groups by the cluster analysis and the discriminant analysis. Finally, we analyze the 6 different content characteristic sequences from 6 groups with different bitrates. The goal is to find the accepted bandwidth range for user perceived quality. We compute an objective video quality evaluation by the Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR). At the same time, we perform an experiment by the Double Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale (DSCQS) methodology of the subjective quality evaluation. We combine the objective measurement with the subjective measurement. We find that obtaining satisfactory of user perceived quality for different motion and texture characteristics needs different levels of bit rate. For the lower motion and simple texture characteristics, the bit rate needs about 2000kbps. For the middle motion and simple texture characteristics, the bit rate needs about 4000kbps. For the higher motion and simple texture characteristics, the bit rate needs about 4000kbps. For the lower motion and complex texture characteristics, the bit rate needs about 2000-4000kbps. For the middle motion and complex texture characteristics, the bit rate needs about 2000-4000kbps. For the higher motion and complex texture characteristics, the bit rate needs about 4000-6000kbps. For types 1, 4, and 5, when the bitrate is less than 3000kbps and the discarded ratio is close to 50%, the subjects still perceive the satisfaction of video quality. For types 2, 3, and 6, when the bitrate is greater than 3000kbps and the discarded ratio must be controlled close to 0%, the subjects could perceive the satisfaction of video quality. Keywords: content characteristic, bitrate, subjective measurement, objective measurement, MPEG-4 FGS.


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