  • 學位論文

海明威小說In Our Time兩種中譯本比較研究

A Comparative Study between Two Chinese Translation Versions of Hemingway’s Novel In Our Time

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本研究旨在探討海明威小說In Our Time兩種中譯本比較。筆者選擇台灣譯本和大陸譯本做比較,目的是為了研究兩譯本之間的差異性,並且讓更多人認識In Our Time。筆者在此研究中一共分為六個章節,第一章主要講述筆者的研究動機與目的以及研究方法,筆者將以等效論、歸化與異化以及直譯與意譯來探討兩中譯本。第二章則詳述海明威的生平,並且介紹In Our Time以及兩中譯本作者及其評介。在第三、四、五章中,筆者根據兩譯本的翻譯現象加以分類以及列舉例子,並套用三個理論來研究兩譯本的優劣之處,第六章則是結論,筆者發現台灣譯本主要使用「等效」、「歸化」以及「意譯」,因此譯文精確且流暢,大陸譯本則使用「直譯」居多,因此容易產生誤譯以及譯文不夠流暢。筆者期望本研究能夠為學術界盡一份心力,並且讓更多人認識海明威的In Our Time。


The aim of the thesis is to compare the differences between two Chinese translation versions of Hemingway’s novel In Our Time. This thesis chooses Taiwanese translation version and Mainland China version to compare their differences. The author hopes that the thesis could help more people enjoy reading In Our Time. The thesis was divided into six chapters. The first chapter is about the author’s motive, purpose and research method. The thesis uses such theories as equivalent theory, domestication, foreignization, literal translation and free translation to explore the differences of the two Chinese translation versions. The second chapter introduces Hemingway, his literary works, the contents of In Our Time and the biographic introduction of the two translators. In the third, fourth and fifth chapters, the thesis proffer different translation problems and present examples to compare the two versions by using translation theories. Taiwanese translation version uses “equivalency”, “domestication” and “free translation” to translate In Our Time, giving readers stronger readabilities. Mainland China version usually uses “literal translation” so the version contains unclear translations and mistranslations which is sometimes hard to read and understand. The author hopes that this thesis will be helpful to those who are interested in Hemingway, his works, translation as well as comparative literature.


馬彥祥譯,海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway)著(1949)。《在我們的時代裏》。上海:晨光出版社。
陳夏民譯,海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway)著(2013)。《我們的時代》。台北:逗點文創結社。
莊鈺芳譯,海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway)著(2000)。《網路海明威 海明威愛戀人生短篇小說集》。台北市:藍瓶子出版社。
湯新楣譯,海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway)著(1984)。《尼克‧亞當斯的故事》。台北市:今日世界出版社。
