  • 學位論文


An Evaluation of the Effect of Various Design Parameters on Capture Performance of Exterior Hoods by Using a Particle Releasing System

指導教授 : 戴聿彤


局部排氣裝置可直接且有效的將空氣中有害物以動力方式移除有害物,以達到減少工作者暴露之目的,因此為業界最普遍使用之作業環境有害物控制方法。而氣罩之主要功能是捕集有害物,位於局部排氣系統最前端,若因設計形式及位置而導致無法有效捕集有害物,即使氣罩後方的局部排氣系統有再好之設計、或增加排氣機之馬力,對於整體捕集率而言效果有限。因此氣罩型式、規格設計與安裝位置,將直接影響整個局部排氣系統的功能及捕集性能。根據過往之研究,不同排風量、坦坡角及深度之氣罩對於捕集性能皆有不同之影響。本研究將選定三種不同坦坡角及兩種深度之外裝型氣罩,在不同排氣風量下,除捕集風速量測以及風速均勻度分析外,亦使用微粒釋放系統模擬有害物逸散,並以工作者位置之暴露為基礎,推論及驗證不同氣罩設計參數之捕集性能。 結果發現,氣罩開口面風速分布均勻度最佳之氣罩為A30-10氣罩,其次為A45-10、A60-10、A45-5及A60-5。大風量條件下,氣罩平均捕集效率最佳之氣罩為A45-10氣罩。小風量條件下,平均捕集效率最佳者為A45-10氣罩。從氣罩開口面風速分布均勻度與平均捕集效率比較發現,坦坡角為45度且氣罩深度較大之氣罩,其捕集效率較佳。此外,也發現會影響氣罩捕集效率之因素依序為(1)氣罩開口面積對於有害物逸散之涵蓋程度,(2)坦坡角,(3)氣罩深度,(4)氣罩開口面風速分布均勻度。 本研究所使用之測試方法結合暴露評估考量,更貼近作業者職場實際工作狀況,因此藉由作業位置之暴露濃度評估氣罩捕集性能,亦可為氣罩性能指標之一。未來氣罩設計階段即以健康觀點為考量,在減少暴露為前提下,輔以工程控制手段,將有助於提升勞工之作業環境,達到保護勞工之目的。


Local exhaust device is a common-used method to remove contaminants in workplace as well as control the worker exposure. The exterior hoods, located by the pollutant emission position, are designed to collect the contaminants. The efficacy of the local exhaust system is limited if the wrong design and location of the hood is adopted. The type, specification, and installation position of hood affects the capture performance of the local exhaust system. According to the previous study, flow-rate, taper angle and depth of the hood are important factors of hood performance. In this study, the face velocity and uniformity for 3 taper angles and 2 different depths of the exterior hood are measured and analyzed under 2 flow-rates. In addition, the capture efficiency is also evaluated by measuring exposure concentration at different worker positions to investigate the design parameter of the hood. The results showed that the A30-10 hood has the best velocity uniformity. The A45-10 hood has better capture performance under 2 different flow-rates. By considering velocity distribution and the capture performance, it is found that 45o taper angle with great depth yields higher capture performance. It is also found that the dominant parameters affect the capture efficiency are (1) the coverage area by hood opening, (2) the taper angel, (3) the depth of hood, (4) the air flow distribution. The method used in this study combining exposure assessment which is much more realistic about the workers’ condition. The capture efficiency calculated from exposure concentration at the working position is also possible index of the hood performance. In the future, better protection on workers is expected by considering health effect and reducing exposure as well as engineering control during the design stage.


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