  • 學位論文


Exploration of Homeland Employment for the Second Generation of New Immigrants

指導教授 : 蔡青芬


中文摘要 有鑒於新住民二代在七年後滿18歲者逾15萬人,如何為他們提供一個前瞻的視野與未來的願景,探討新住民家庭將來在子女高中、職或大學畢業之後,有無機會、優勢與平台返回家長母國就業,其家長意願為何?從新住民家庭不同文化與國際環境視野先驅者的優勢觀點,儘早為子女做職涯規劃,成為擺脫婚姻移民家庭給人傳統弱勢家庭的印象,成就新住民家庭的「優勢移動」。 本研究為了提供深度和多元化之廣度,且在目前國內文獻中,鮮少針對新住民二代跨國就業之相關研究,為達客觀的陳述婚移家庭的想法及對子女將來期望的了解,所以採取量化與質性研究。以新住民及家庭成員的有效問卷953份及深度訪談12位新住民姐妹。從不同國籍別之家庭成員對子女返回母國就業之意願的「描述性問題」、不同國籍別和家長本身的條件是否會影響意願的「關聯性問題」、父母母國生命歷程是否影響小孩出國就業的「因果性問題」。 從研究結果發現,新住民家庭成員對二代跨國就業意願分析:同意二代跨國就業的比例高達64.3%,在國籍別的排名則以中國、越南及印尼國籍;母國所受教育程度越高者,對於二代跨國就業的意願更高。新住民家庭成員對二代跨國就業產業意願分析:排名以金融業佔第一,其次是資訊業,服務業則位居第三。 新住民家庭成員對二代跨國就業考量因素分析:同意原因是以尊重小孩意願、待遇較好及有親人在旁等考慮因素;不同意原因是以以尊重小孩意願、安全因素及無親人在等考慮因素。新住民未來回流之意願分析:受訪者從國籍別、教育程度、經濟狀況等多項數據都顯示有回流的意願。 最後,根據研究結論提出建議,如何建立新住民二代就讀高等教育的相關科系資料庫、跨國流動專責平台建置、教育多元化的建置、滯留境外二代返台教育的銜接等,提供政府作政策之參酌及提供新住民及國人家庭規劃二代未來。


Abstract The population of the second generation of new immigrants will be over 150,000 after seven years, and these teenagers will be at the age of 18. The purpose of this study was to explore the second generation of new immigrants’ opportunities, advantages and platform of returning to work in their parents’ homeland after graduating from high school, vocational school or university. The parents’ decision and wishes were involved in this study as well. From the perspectives of the diverse cultures of new immigrant families and the pioneers of international environmental points of view, the early career planning for the children could cast away the traditional stereotype that marriages with immigrant families become vulnerable families and can achieve the goal of “predominant mobility” for the new immigrant families. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed in this research in order to provide the depth and breadth of diverse social practices. In current domestic literature, there were few related researches regarding homeland employment for the second generation of new immigrants and the new immigrants from Southeast Asia and other countries around. Therefore, this research aimed to have objective statement of general perspectives from immigrants of marriage families and to understand the parents’ expectations for their children in the future. The research participants were new immigrants of marriage families from Vietnam, China, Indonesia and some other countries. There were twelve (12) female new immigrants served with in-depth interviews and 953 valid questionnaires were collected. This research attempted to understand the issues as follows: descriptive problems from family members with different nationalities regarding the parents’ willingness for children’s returning to their homeland for employment; related issues and impacts among participants’ different nationalities and the parent’s background conditions; issues of causality and impacts among the parents’ homeland life experiences and the children’s homeland employment. Based on the research literature review, four topics were integrated and reviewed as follows: analysis of new immigrant families, children’s background and schooling situations; relational research analysis for the second generation of new immigrants; review of relevant literature and theory from other countries in terms of children reflux to homeland; analysis of ASEAN industrial prospect. The research findings were divided into the following sections for description: 1. the analysis of willingness in homeland employment for the second generation of new immigrants: 64.3% of survey participants agreed the second generation of new immigrants for homeland employment; the ranking based on nationality are Chinese, Vietnamese and Indonesian; the higher education the second generation received in their homeland, the more wishes returning to the their homeland to be employed. 2. the analysis of willingness in homeland employment of industries for the second generation of new immigrants: the ranking based on industrials are finance, information, and service. 3. the analysis of willingness in homeland employment of consideration factors for the second generation of new immigrants: agreement based on reasons, respect the wishes of the children, better salary and family/relatives accompany; disagreement based on reasons, respect the wishes of the children, safety factors and non-family/relatives. 4. the analysis of willingness in reflux to homeland employment for the second generation of new immigrants: wishes based on nationality, educational level, economic status data showing the willingness in reflux to homeland employment. Last but not least, according to the research, we have to focus on few things such as the establishment of the information database for the higher education of the second generation, the establishment of the channel for the information between different countries, the establishment of multi-education and the connection of the Taiwanese education for the second generation who lived abroad before. The government will follow the conclusion of the research to help our new generation family have a great life in Taiwan.




