  • 學位論文


Financial Effect Research on the Reward Policy of Urban Vacant Lot─Taking Taiwan Sugar Corporation’s Land in Kaohsiung City for Example

指導教授 : 邵珮君


在傳統「有土斯有財」的觀念驅使下,土地被視為財產,往往誤為坐擁廣泛土地,即象徵財富宏偉;遂忽略土地利用價值。以國營事業台糖公司為例,近10年來其在高雄市參加市地重劃及區段徵收領回尚未開發利用之土地面積約有近百公頃,每年除了須負擔高額地價稅款,還需不定期支付相關土地管理費。無疑都市閒置空地將造成大地主財務經濟上極大的負擔,亦形成土地資源之浪費。 本研究係基於都市地區土地過度開發或政策失靈,致衍生供過於求之都市閒置空地問題。以現行政府獎勵空地利用政策為基礎,運用地價稅之節稅策略,以及透過還本期間法、益本比法、淨現值法及內部報酬率等四種財務分析方法,作為空地活化效益分析之依據;並建構閒置空地利用評選模式,找出最適宜優先活化利用之基地。最後,分別以投資設置臨時路外停車場及配合綠美化等二種不同空地獎勵政策之實證案例,分析其財務效益。 研究結果,都市地區閒置空地在開發前,實有必要作最適暫時性的活化利用。尤其選擇較高地價區段之閒置空地優先配合政府獎勵予以活化利用,來達到地價稅之節稅策略,應是台糖公司在閒置空地活化利用最為有利及效益最大之方式。


空地 獎勵政策 財務分析


Driven by the traditional concept of “ The land you own lies your money”, land is viewed as a symbol of richness. We are mistaken that owning a huge expanse of land means owning a huge amount of money. We neglect that land’s value actually lies in its effective use. Taking Taiwan Sugar Corporation(TSC)(one of the state-own businesses) as an example, in recent ten years, TSC in Kaohsiung City has received approximately a hundred hectares of land after urban land readjustment and zone expropriation, and the lands are mostly left undeveloped. Every year TSC must pay not only a high amount of property tax but aperiodically has to pay land management fees. Undoubtedly, vacant lots located in the urban area will bring a big financial burden on the land owner and will also form a waste of land resources. The research aims at the problem of over supply of the urban vacant lot due to the overly-development in the urban area or the policy goes unworkable. Based on the government’s reward policy for vacant lot use, by exerting the tax avoidance strategy of saving the property tax, by means of four financial analysis methods, such as Discounted Payback Method, Benefit-Cost Ratio, Net Present Value, and Internal Rate of Return to use as the basis of the effect analysis of the vacant lot. In addition, through the establishment of the evaluation model of the vacant lot effective use, we find the best base that should be used and developed in the first order. At last, we analyze respectively the financial effects of two real cases with government rewards, one is rewarded by investing and setting up a temporary parking lot and the other is by complying with the greening project. The research tells us that the idle urban vacant lot in the pre-development stage has the need of being put for transitional use, especially the ones located in the high-priced zone. To choose and effectively use the vacant land located in the high-priced zone and to comply with the government’s reward policy to attain the goal of property tax avoidance should be a good strategy for Taiwan Sugar Corporation to deal with the problem of idle urban vacant lot.


vacant lot reward policy financial analysis


