  • 學位論文


Translation Strategies for Trade Names of Imported Drugs in Taiwan

指導教授 : 高煥麗


本研究以藥學及翻譯學觀點,探討國內合法進口西藥商品名翻譯 所使用之策略及相關現象,並比較處方藥與成藥所使用策略比例的差 異。藥物商品名稱是藥物使用者最直接接觸到的藥物資訊,對用藥安 全影響重大。藥物商品名稱也應被視為廣告的一種類型,應根據藥物 分級做不同級別的規範與考量。然目前國內進口藥物命名翻譯仍多有 漏洞,並缺乏相關完整的研究。筆者將藥政處公布之藥物翻譯名一覽 表逐項整理,並按林菲(2011)針對藥物商品名翻譯提出的音譯法、 意譯法、音譯合譯法、及諧音意譯法,另加上藥商自行命名法整理成 五大類型,並比較成藥與處方藥所使用翻譯策略差距。研究發現台灣 現有進口藥物翻譯策略最常使用前述的意譯法。從翻譯觀點來看,處 方藥商品名翻譯使用意譯直譯策略各半,而成藥更常使用意譯策略。 最後並以翻譯目的論為理論基礎,提出進口西藥商品名翻譯與審 查建議模式,可供藥商翻譯藥品名稱時考量、及食品藥物管理署查核 參考之用。並建議有關單位除應加強藥品翻譯名審核外,更應隨時公 布完整資訊,以造福相關研究及國人用藥安全。


成藥 處方藥 商品名 功能理論


This study explores translation strategies using both pharmaceutical and translational perspectives for trade names of imported drugs in Taiwan. The differences in translation strategies used between prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are also discussed in this article. A trade name of a drug is the first and most common information a drug consumer is exposed to. Therefore, it has a huge impact on drug safety. Currently, Taiwan is still lacking a comprehensive scrutiny system and related researches. This study categorizes translation strategies used in Taiwan’s imported drugs into transliteration, free translation, sound and meaning translation, loan translation with consonance, and pharmaceutical companies’ random nomenclature. The results show that free translation is the most popular strategy among the 5 in Taiwan. In addition, most trade names of Taiwan’s imported drugs suggest meanings of their efficacies. OTC drugs tend to use literal translation strategy more than prescription drugs. Based on Skopos theory, a suggested model for both imported drugs’ trade name translation and inspection in Taiwan is built in this article. The model is suggested for pharmaceutical companies to help decide their trade names and for their products and for the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration to review the trade name applications on imported drugs. It is suggested that on top of a stricter trade name inspection process, related parties should also make comprehensive drug information updated and accessible online for better drug safety and study.


OTC drug prescription drug trade name Skopos theory


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