  • 學位論文


Research of Citizens' willingness and Degrees of Satisfactionon the Construction of North Railway Viaduct in Shan-Hua

指導教授 : 游義琦


個人因有幸參與「善化站北高架橋立體化工程」,藉由工程之籌建,從民眾意願調查,路線規劃工程施工到完工通車中,深深的感受到民眾的需求。隨著工程的進度不停的在變換,因此除了工程的細部規劃需考量地方的特色發展之外,工程後期更萌生了民眾滿意度研究之動機。   回顧文獻,均僅敘述工程的規劃,未有民眾意願與滿意度調查研究及探討規劃盲點。本論文除了工程規劃報告外,於通車典禮之日著手增加滿意度調查研究。歸納一些淺見,於第四章具體談到,民眾意願與滿意度分析。   本次統計分析單元以單因子變異數分析及多重比較分析學生、上班族、在地人、遊客及其他共五個族群對於問題看法的差異性,就高架橋為三層結構來做滿意度分析,以交通安全及移線南側空地設計有明顯差異外,餘並無大差異。又從敘述統計分析來看,問卷發放對象不限定居住在高架橋附近之居民,且發放時間為開放通車之時,民眾尚未使用此作高架橋經驗不多,以標準差來檢討答案偏多不清楚,此點有檢討空間。   對於民眾滿意度分析,分析不同身分、角度,對橋的滿意度與整體滿意度並做多重比較、逐案檢討,發現汽車駕駛、機慢車騎士、行人。男性、女性均有顯著的差異性。惟年齡並無顯著的影響。   最後以複迴歸分析找出影響滿意度之因素,再以逐步迴歸分析法來分析,希望能了解民眾認為高架橋應該要注重哪些因素,分成五個部份來解讀。第一部分「整體滿意度」、第二部份「汽車駕駛的滿意度」、第三部份「機慢車騎士角度的滿意度」 、第四部份「行人角度的滿意度」、第五部份「高架橋兩側沿線民眾角度滿意度」,模型為Y=a+b1X1+b2X2+…bnXn,其中Y是應變量,X1、X2、…Xn是自變量,a是常數,b1,b2…bn是迴歸係數,將各種影響滿意度的因子代入之後,可算出民眾的滿意度。   個人提出民眾意願及滿意度論文研究,期能提供給社會一個參考,讓下一件高架橋興建能去蕪存菁,了解民眾的需求,減少民眾有意見的問題,達到工程盡善盡美,實值得研究與追蹤。


工程 民眾意願 滿意度研究


I have the pleasure to get involved in the construction project of the Shan-Hua Train Station North overpass. Throughout the preparation and planning period, the survey of the public, the planning of the routes, the actual construction work, up to the opening to traffic, the needs of the public for it hit home. As the construction schedule was constantly changing, besides taking the local development features into consideration in detailed planning, the motivation to carry on an study on the public’s satisfaction was excited in the laterr part of the construction project. Looking into the related documents, there were only project planning. No study of needs and satisfaction of the public and blind spots of the planning were available. This thesis includes not only the report of the project planning but also the research of satisfaction survey done on the day of the opening ceremony to traffic. I concluded some humble opinions about the needs and the satisfaction analysis of the public on chapter 4. In this statistical analysis unit, the methods of single-factor analysis of variance and multiple comparisons were used to analyze view differences of students, workers, the locals, tourists and others on problems. The satisfaction analysis is based on the three-decked structure of the overpass. In addition to the obvious differences in the traffic safety and the design of open space in the southern part, there was not much difference. In view of descriptive statistics analysis, those surveyed were not limited to the nearby residents who lived close to the overpass, the timing of the questionnaire survey was on the opening day, the public have not yet gained much experience of taking advantage of the overpass. Using standard deviation to check responses which tended to be “not quite understand or not sure” leaves much to be desired. As far as the analysis of public satisfaction was concerned, different identities and angles were examined. As to satisfaction on the overpass and the overall satisfaction, through multiple comparisons and case study, obvious difference was found among motorists, motorcyclists, pedestrians, whether they were male or female. Age alone did not pose much effect on the result. Finally, the factors that influenced the satisfaction were found by means of multiple regression analysis. Then with the same method, we hoped to understand the general public’s opinions on what factors should have been focused on regarding an overpass. This was interpreted in five parts. Namely, (1) overall satisfaction, (2) the satisfaction of the motorists, (3) the satisfaction of the motorcyclists or cyclists, (4)the satisfaction of the pedestrians, (5)the satisfaction of the residents who lived alongside the overpass. . The model was Y=a+ b1X1+b2X2+…bnXn,among the variables, Y was the dependent variable and X1、X2、…Xn are independent ones, a was an constant, while b1、b2… bn were regression coefficient. When all the factors that were influential were applied in the equation, the level of the public satisfaction could be had. I put forward the thesis on the public satisfaction hoping to provide the society with some useful reference, expecting better the next overpass construction project. For better understanding the public needs, reducing complaints, and trying to achieve the goal of perfection, the follow-up research and careful study are worthwhile.


