  • 學位論文


Research of the Relationships Among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Switching Cost and Trust on general merchandise stores

指導教授 : 顏義文


量販店本身想要在這個競爭激烈的市場佔有一席之地並且永續經營,服務品質是關鍵因素。而量販店滿足顧客的需求,提升顧客留存,提高消費者轉換至其他量販店的成本,是目前量販店提高營業額的重要因素。當買賣雙方彼此關係隨著時間發展,顧客與量販店雙方因此就會產生信任感,當信任增加,將正向影響顧客滿意度與創造更高的利潤。而過去對於探討量販店之議題上,尚無使用Dabholkar, Thorpe & Rentz(1996)三位學者所提出的RSQS量表來做探討,因此本研究採用RSQS量表做為衡量量販店的服務品質,更能清楚了解零售業服務品質的情況。經由本研究實證分析結果得知:顧客感受之服務品質、信任將會對顧客滿意度有正向顯著影響。而服務品質對轉換成本有正向顯著影響;轉換成本對信任有正向顯著影響;而服務品質對信任有正向顯著影響。故本研究認為量販店要提升顧客的滿意度必須先從服務品質做起,並且能夠及時的解決顧客的突發狀況與問題,傾聽顧客的聲音,時常進行檢討並持續改善修正,進而提升企業的服務品質。在本研究的統計分析中也可以得知,信任是影響量販店顧客滿意度最大的因素,因此除了在各方面做好面面俱到,更要增加顧客對該量販店的信任感,進而增加轉換至別家量販店的成本,產生顧客留存的效果。而量販店所販賣的產品其實都大同小異,而要在這些量販店之中脫穎而出,差異化佔了極大的重點,量販店如果能夠針對該地區設計出屬於該量販店的特色,必定能夠吸引住消費者的目光,造成加分的效果。


If general merchandise stores want to have their places in this competitive environment and have sustainable operation, service quality must be the key. This means, satisfying customers’ demands, elevating the customer retention, and enhancing switching costs are the important factors for the current general merchandise stores to increase sales revenues. Also, in this study, trust is statistically the biggest factor to customer satisfaction of the corporations. Thereby, in addition to the service quality, it is equally important to enable the customer to create more trust on the stores, which then will elevate switching costs and generate customer retention. Though the products of general merchandise stores are not significantly different, the stores will attract more customers if they are characterized by their local features. When the buyer and the seller have more interaction as time develops, both parties will gradually create the sense of trust. When this trust increases, it will positively affect customer satisfaction and create more profits. In the previous studies in this regard, however, no one uses RSQS scales, conducted by Dadholkar, Thorpe, and Rentz (1996), to analyze the service quality. Therefore, this study adopts RSQS scales as standard to evaluate service quality of general merchandise stores in order to better understand service quality in the current retail stores. The empirical study shows that customer perceived service quality and trust positively affect customer satisfaction. The perceived service quality is positively related to switching costs and these switching costs will be positively related to the customer trust on the corporation, so customer trust is positively affected by the perceived service quality. This study, therefore, suggests that to elevate customer satisfaction, general merchandise stores need to start with their service quality and in the mean time, timely solve customer urgent problems, listen to their voices, and then re-examine their business operation and finally improve their overall service quality .


13.林隆儀、徐稚軒、陳俊碩(民98)。寬頻網路關係行銷結合類型、 服務品質、關係品質與轉換成本 對顧客忠誠之影響。輔仁管理評論,第十六卷第一期,頁7-68。
