  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Advertising Effects of Medias and Involvement under One Voice Message—EAC Space Approach

指導教授 : 鄭盛時


本研究在詳細的文獻回顧之後,為彌補傳統線型廣告理論的不足,運用Smith & Swinyard(1982)的資訊回應模型,及Vakratsas & Ambler(1999)的EAC空間理論,推導出適合IMC一致訊息的廣告效果評估模型,目的為探討在訊息一致性的前提假設下,媒體組合與廣告訊息涉入如何影響消費者的認知、情感、經驗有關的傳播效果。 本研究使用兩因子實驗設計,操作媒體組合與廣告訊息涉入六種不同情況,以女性T恤背心服飾樣本廣告,測試認知、情感、經驗構面的廣告效果,受測者共計180位接受暑修的南部三所公私立女性大學生。研究結果顯示,高訊息涉入消費者對於廣告的訊息注意力較強,對於訊息處理傾向品牌評估,低訊息涉入消費者的訊息注意力較弱,訊息處理傾向非品牌評估;同時消費者在接收廣告訊息的理解與知識結構不同,但一致性的廣告訊息前提可以成立。經由因素與信度分析證實EAC空間衡量架構可以成立,且不同的廣告訊息涉入程度對於認知、情感有顯著影響,但受訪者對產品的自信程度(經驗效果)無法直接受到廣告刺激而有顯著地改變;本研究也發現,平面廣告與DM的多媒體應用可加強認知效果。因此,EAC空間廣告效果衡量理論不僅提供業者在區隔消費者市場及媒體運用的參考依據,也提供IMC效果在學術研究的新思維與研究方向。


After throughout advertising related literature review, the author employed and extended Smith & Swinyard’s (1982) information response model and Vakratsas & Ambler’s (1999) EAC space approach, and derived an evaluation model of IMC effects under one voice message assumption. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate how media combinations and advertising message involvement would affect advertising effects, mainly on cognition, affection and experience components simultaneously. This study would fill the gaps of traditional hierarchy of adverting effect models and low involvement models. This study applies 2-factor experimental design and manipulates media combination and message involvement. The test advertisement contains female summer T-shirt wears. In total, 180 female students across 3 southern Taiwan universities participated in this experiment. Empirical results show that subjects receiving the high-involvement manipulation also reported using brand strategy and message attention more so than those receiving the low-involvement reading instructions. Subjects receiving the low-involvement manipulation reported using a non-brand evaluation strategy more than those receiving the high- involvement reading instructions. Results also show that the assumption of one voice message holds, even under various of advertising message comprehension and knowledge structure. Based upon the results of factor analyses and reliability tests, EAC space measurement model can be established. Different degrees of advertising message involvement would have significant different impacts on cognition and affection, but not on experience. MANOVA results also suggest that a combination of press media and DM can significantly increase the advertising effects on cognition. Therefore, EAC space framework not only can indicate a new research direction, but also provide practical implications to firms, especially on market segmentation and media planning as well.


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