  • 學位論文


Medication Use in Male and Female Older Adults

指導教授 : 吳麗珍


台灣高達六成的老人罹患一種以上的慢性病,藥物治療是老人控制慢性病和維持健康的主要方法,因此使用藥物成為日常生活中的一部分。男性老人所罹患的疾病和維護健康的方式與女性老人皆有不同,因此本質性研究旨在從老人自身的觀點、主觀之感受,和用藥經驗探討男性與女性老人用藥物認知和用藥行為,以了解老人用藥狀況和用藥安全的問題。 自2011年7月至2012年1月,研究者透過在社區已熟識65歲以上的老人以「滾雪球」方式徵求到5位男性和8位女性參與本研究。半結構式訪談所收集的資料以內容分析法進行資料分析取得主題。 本研究可歸納出六個男性和女性老人共同的主題:「自我身體的掌握」、「用藥的方式」、「藥物的準備」、「與醫護人員的互動」、「非專業的建議」及「自覺社會支持」。男性與女性老人的用藥認知和經驗略有不同,主要差異在於「與醫護人員的互動」和「自覺社會支持」的內容。男性老人較信任醫療人員,女性老人卻感覺醫療人員忽視她們的聲音。男性老人在用藥時受到家人較多的叮嚀和服伺,女性老人則提到有親友支援用藥花費。 研究結果顯示老人對其身體的掌握的需求,醫療人員應該注意到老人這種需求。接受非專業的建議用藥的情況,以及女性老人渴望與醫護人員互動本研究均探討到。本研究可提供臨床護理人員瞭解男性與女性別老人用藥不同的經驗,進而做為臨床老人安全用藥介入指引設計。


In Taiwan, 60% of elderly persons suffer from at least one chronic illness. Medication use, which is critical to controlling these chronic illnesses and maintaining their health, has become a part of their daily routine. There are differences in chronic illnesses and approaches to maintaining health between male and female older adults. This qualitative study examines gender differences in medication usage and experiences with an emphasis on the perspectives of the older adults in order to understand the conditions of medication use, including safety. From July 2011 to January 2012, the research recruited 5 male and 8 female older adults above the age of 65 to participate in this study. The first were recruited from the community and snowballing was used to find additional subjects. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data, and content analysis was performed. The transcripts suggested six themes: “control of the body”, “medication usage”, “medication planning”, “interaction with healthcare providers”, “suggestions from laypersons”, and “perceived social support”. While these themes were common between male and female older adults, there were differences in the content of “interaction with healthcare providers” and “perceived social support”. Male older adults tended to trust healthcare providers, while female older adults felt that their opinions were neglected by the healthcare providers. Male older adults often had family members reminding them to take their medications and even serving the medications. Female older adults more frequently mentioned financial support for medication expenses from friends and family. This study recognizes the importance for older adults to control their own body, which must be taken into account when providing care. The reasons older adults take advice from laypersons, including the media, are explored. These results help healthcare providers understand differences in the conditions surrounding medication use between male and female older adults. For example, healthcare providers should spend more time listening to specific concerns of female older adults when discussing medication. This study can help refine guidelines for teaching medication safety to older adults.


李復華(1997)‧老年人不遵從服用藥物原因之探討‧護理雜誌,44(3),69-74 。
林玉珮、黃盈翔、楊宜青、吳晉祥、張智仁、盧豐華(2007)‧台南市老年高血壓患者服藥遵醫囑情形及其相關因素之探討‧台灣老年醫學雜誌,2(3), 176-189。
