  • 學位論文

眷村改建社區環境與滿意度之研究 -以高齡者觀點探討

Thesis topic: A Study on the Environment of Family-Dependant-Village-Rebuilt Community and the Satisfaction - From the Elderly’s Point of View

指導教授 : 紀雲曜


摘要 隨著世界性高齡人口的增加,許多國家皆已注意到高齡者安養問題的急迫性。而國人向來重視「安土重遷」及「落葉歸根」的觀念,縱使社會已由農業時代轉型為高度工業化的時代,高齡者許多價值觀與生活取向仍受原來的傳統文化所影響,所以高齡人口的安養方式,有相當高的比例選擇在家或是留在熟悉的社區環境中安享晚年,許多的文獻研究也顯示大部份的高齡者相信養老最好的地方是家庭和社區。因此,在一般社區規劃設計時,考量高齡者居住需求的環境空間,讓高齡者能在原居住的社區安享晚年,為因應高齡化社會的重要課題。 國軍老舊眷村因眷村原眷戶多為退休榮民,人口年齡結構中65歲以上人口比例偏高。國防部有鑒於眷村高齡人口結構,在眷村改建計畫中明訂「國軍老舊眷村改建條例」係採多元化、多樣化之方向進行,並考慮眷戶的意見與高齡者及行動不便者使用的環境設施需求等等規劃原則。基此,本研究選定嘉義市眷村改建社區-「經國新城」為研究範圍,對社區65歲以上高齡者進行居住環境的需求及滿意度的評估調查,期透過問卷調查以高齡者的觀點探討眷村改建社區環境實質設施與非實質環境需求及環境品質滿意度狀況。經由敘述性統計、單因子變異數分析、t檢定及卡方檢定等分析後得到下列結果: 一、對整體社區環境設施需求偏好,在「室內公共設施」以健康性之醫療室為首要,其次為購物便利之福利中心及郵局,再其次則為休閒育樂、聯誼等用途之交誼廳、圖書室等設施,在「戶外公共設施」以涼亭、公園、步道及座椅等設施為主;另在對「居住空間」需求偏好方面,其室內空間需求以客廳及臥室為首要,室內面積需求偏好則以三十坪型的比例最高;而居住樓層別偏好方面,則以二至三樓最受青睞,四至五樓次高。 二、對整體社區環境的十項評估因素重視度,前三項依序為公害管制、安全維護及鄰里關係,其餘排序為管理服務、醫療設施及服務、環境美化、無障礙設施、交通系統、公共設施及室內空間;對整體社區環境的十項評估因素應改善優先度,前三項依序為醫療服務、鄰里關係、無障礙設施,其餘排序為環境美化、安全維護、管理服務、社區及週邊公共設施、交通系統、公害管制及室內空間。 三、眷村高齡者對原老舊眷村環境十項評估因素滿意度最高為鄰里關係,最低為住宅屋況;而「經國新城」社區高齡者對環境十項評估因素滿意度最高為公害管制,最低為無障礙設施。 四、高齡者對改建社區環境品質滿意度平均值最高之前二項評估因素落於「健康性」指標面向之公害管制及環境美化;尚屬肯定範圍之評估因素依序為室內空間、鄰里關係及管理服務,其餘評估因素均為否定。 五、根據研究目的所建構的三項研究假設,經實證後其研究結果如下: (一)高齡者個人屬性不同對社區環境品質重視度組成因素會有不同 (二)社區住宅特性與社區環境品質評估體系滿意度之間有顯著相關 (三)社區高齡者個人屬性不同對社區居住品質評估體系滿意度會有不同 關鍵字:高齡者、眷村改建、居住環境、環境需求、滿意度


Abstract With the global increase of elderly population, many countries have noticed the urgent issue of settling and nursing the elderly. However, citizens have been emphasizing the concepts of attaching and eventually returning to one’s native land. Therefore, even though our society has transformed an argiculture one to a highly-industrial one, many values and life preferences of the elderly are still affected by the traditional culture. As a result, a considerate portion of the elder population chooses to stay at home or a familiar community to enjoy their old ages. Many researches and literatures show that the majority of the elderly believe family and community are the best places for enjoying one’s old age. Thus, in order to make the elderly able to enjoy their old ages, it is important to take the elderly’s living needs into consideration while designing common communities. Most of the residents in the old military family dependent villages are honored veterans, and therefore constitute a high proportion of the population over the age of 65 in the population-age construction. In light of the construction of elderly population, the Ministry of National Defense has clearly stipulated in the Family Dependent Villages Rebuild Project that the Act of Rebuilding Old Military Family Dependent Villages is processed in a multiple and versatile way as well as follows the designing principles the meet the needs such as residents’ opinions, a friendly environment and convenient facilities for the elderly and the handicapped. In accordance with mentioned above, this study focused on “Gen Gwo New Town”, a community rebuilt from a family dependent village in Cha-yi City, and assessed as well as inquired the community residents over the age of 65 about their needs and satisfaction towards the residential environment in the hopes of understanding the needs of substantial and unsubstantial facilities of the rebuilt communities in elderly’s viewpoint via questionnaire. Through Descriptive Statistics, One Wav ANOVA, t Test, and Chi-Square Test, this study concluded the follows: 1. The preference for the needs of general community environment facilities, in the aspect of “indoor public facilities”, the first one is medical room, the second ones are shopping center and post office, the third ones are facilities for the purposes of recreation and liaison such as recreation room, library, etc.; in the aspect of “outdoor public facilities”, the main preference lies on facilities such as pavilions, parks, walking paths, seats, etc.; in the aspect of “residential space”, the main need for indoor space is in living room and bedroom, while the main need for indoor space dimension shows a highest proportion in 99-square-meter (30 pings) house models; in the aspect of building floors, mostly preferred is second to third floor, then fourth to fifth floor. 2. As to the emphasis towards the ten factors accessing the general community environment, the first three factors are the control of public nuisance, safety maintenance, and neighbor relationship. The rest are management service, medical facilities and service, environmental beautification, barrier-free space, traffic system, public facility, and indoor space. While as to the priority of the ten factors accessing the general community environment needed to be improved, the first three are medical service, neighbor relationship, and barrier-free facilities. The rest are environmental beautification, safety maintenance, management service, community and the peripheral public facilities, traffic system, the control of public nuisance, and indoor space. 3. The elderly in the family dependent villages have the highest satisfaction towards the factor of neighbor relationship in the ten factors accessing the environment of the old family dependent village, while have the lowest satisfaction towards the factor of condition of the house. The elderly in “Gen Gwo New Town” have the highest satisfaction towards the factor of the control of public nuisance, while have the lowest satisfaction towards the factor of barrier-free facilities. 4. The elderly have the average highest satisfaction towards the factors of the control of public nuisance as well as the environmental beautification which are categorized as the index of health. Other factors which are considered as affirmative by the elderly are indoor space, the neighbor relationship, and management service, while the rest factors are considered negative. 5. Through the empirical study, the conclusions of the three research hypotheses established in accordance with the research purpose are as follows: (1). The comprising factors of emphasis towards the quality of community environment differ from the elderly’s individual characters. (2). The feature of community housing and the satisfaction of the assessment system towards the quality of community environment are obviously correlated. (3). The satisfaction of the assessment system towards the quality of community environment differs from the community elderly’s individual characters. Key words and phrases: the elderly, reconstruction of family dependent villages, living environment, environmental needs, satisfaction


胡仁祿、馬 光(1997),老年居住環境設計,地景企業股份有限公司出版。


