  • 學位論文

高速公路對於生產性服務業之影響 以北二高為例

The influence of the highway upon the producer service – a case study of second northern highway

指導教授 : 張慈佳


北二高建於民國76年7月,82年1月土城三鶯段首先通車,至86年8月北二高全線開放通車,在促使地區的經濟成長上,以及提高國民生活品質上,皆扮演重要的角色。因此交通建設對於產業分布的影響儼然成為重要的研究課題。本研究藉此主題,探討北二高建設對生產性服務業分布的影響。 本研究首先以北二高周圍58個鄉鎮市之生產性服務業作為研究對象,了解生產性服務業發展狀況,再利用多元迴歸分析北二高建設對於周遭之生產性服務業的影響。其中「北二高交通可及性」、「中山高交通可及性」用來衡量高速公路建設可及性,「地方交通建設投資」的增加量來表示地方交通建設,地方相關產業投資則以民間企業在地方「運輸倉儲通信業、金融保險及不動產租賃業與製造業家數」的增加量來表示,用以分析對生產性服務業分布的影響。 分析結果顯示,北二高的興建對生產性服務業分布為正向影響,而其他自變數對於生產性服務業分布也有一定程度的影響。本文最後得到生產性服務業若要發展的更好,必須有良好的交通建設,以及配合各項地方建設再與其他產業相互合作,才能帶動生產性服務業的成長。


The Second Northern Highway had been built since July 1987, the Shan-ying line was the first line to be completed in January 1993, and the construction of the Second Northern Highway was completed by August 1997. It has played an important role to improve people’s living quality and also to prosper local economic activities. The influence of the transportation constructions toward industries has become one of the valued research topics. This thesis, therefore, will be studied and researched about the impacts and the differences of the constructions of the Second Northern Highway before and after toward the producer services. This thesis, firstly, will sample 58 towns around the Second Northern Highway to study the development of producer services. Secondly, the impacts of the constructions of the Second Northern Highway on the producer services will be analyzed with multiple regression analysis. In this thesis, “The accessibility of the Second Northern Highway” and “The accessibility of the Sun Yet San Highway”, will be the measured the accessibility of the impacts highway. The increases of “the investments of the local transportation constructions” will be reviewed as the contributions of the local transportation constructions. Moreover, the increased quantity of local transportation, storage, and communication, finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing and manufacturing will be the proxy of local relative industry investments. The result of the thesis shows the constructions of the Second Northern Highway has positive impacts upon the development of producer services, and other independent variables also influence the producer services. As a result, the prosperous producer services must be under the subject of well-developed transportation, good public constructions, and also working well with other industries.




