  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between the Vulnerability and Health Service Utilization in Elders

指導教授 : 王劼


背景與目的:高齡老人因生活功能衰退,亦會增加罹患慢性病、功能喪失及認知功能障礙的風險,導致使用醫療服務的情形增加。高齡老人使用醫療服務頻率甚高,國內目前並無一簡單工具可預測不同衰退程度老人的醫療利用,若能預測醫療服務情形,將可防範及減少醫療資源過度耗用,因此本研究探討脆弱老人量表(Vulnerable Elders Survey-13, VES-13)與老年人醫療服務利用之相關性。 研究方法:本研究屬縱貫式研究,採用衛生福利部國民健康署「中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列」之第五次(2003)及第六次(2007)調查資料。利用2003年VES-13量表之變項預測2007年的醫療服務利用情形。篩選2003年時年滿65歲(含)及兩次追蹤調查皆參與者,共1,732人。本研究以多元羅吉斯迴歸對資料進行分析。 研究結果:本研究結果顯示VES-13僅與住院呈顯著相關,表示VES-13能用來預測四年後住院風險。而VES-13不能預測急診、西醫門診以及中醫門診四年後的使用風險,說明非單一因素影響社區老人之醫療服務利用。 結論:VES-13可用來預測住院之風險,基於此量表簡單且可快速使用,期望此量表能成為一個參考工具以及追蹤之工具,提供給醫院或醫療提供者,了解患者狀況給予醫療照護。若VES-13落實社區老人的檢測,將能檢視社區老年人的健康狀態,也能關注地區老年人衰弱情形,督促社區老年人自身的健康。


Background & Objectives The Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 (VES-13) has been validated and used extensively in the Western countries to identify vulnerable elderly for targeted intervention. However, at present, very few studies have investigated whether VES-13 score predicts health care utilization for community-dwelling elderly. This study examined the association between VES-13 score and risk of emergency room visits, outpatient visits, hospitalization, and traditional Chinese Medicine visitsfor community-dwelling elderly in Taiwan. Methods Data for this longitudinal cohort study came from 2003 and 2007 waves of the Survey of Health and Living State of the Elderly in Taiwan. After excluding those younger than 65 years old, proxy respondents, and those with missing data, the final sample consisted of 1732 community-dwelling elderly. Multivariate regression were used for data analyses. Results The VES-13 score significantly predicted hospitalization but were not significantly associated with risk of emergency room visits, outpatient visits, and traditional Chinese Medicine visits. Conclusion VES-13 can be used to quickly screen vulnerable elderly who are at risk of hospitalization and thus should be incorporated into community health promotion initiatives to promote elders’ health and prevent adverse health outcomes.


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