  • 學位論文


Applying RG Technique in Discovering the Construct for Object Identification

指導教授 : 王献章


生物監測能反應物種對環境變遷的影響,它需仰賴正確地觀察並辨識物種。監測的物種包含爬蟲類、兩棲類、昆蟲類、及鳥類等等,其中鳥類因觀察方便常被選擇為監測的對象。領域專家通常可以快速且正確地辨識出目標的鳥種,然而這種知識不易傳授給初學者。 本研究基於凱利方格法知識擷取技術,訪談領域專家並整理鳥種外型特徵以擷取其物種辨識之內在知識。本研究挑選17隻相似度較高之鳥種,從訪談過程中擷取出領域專家的內在知識共31項。所得之凱利方格構念表除可代表專家知識外,並可據以協助初學者驗證本身專業知識構念與專家不一致之處。 此外,本研究並對專家凱利方格構念表進行統計分析,結果可將17隻相似度高的鳥種分成四群,經由本研究之決策樹模型進行分析後,藉以了解如何用最少構念來區分鳥種。本研究成果製作成智慧型手機應用系統以提供初學者學習物種辨識之知識,並可透過本系統了解專業知識不足之處後加以改進。


Bio-monitoring is a way to show how environment change affects living beings, it require correctly observe and recognition on the target objects. The monitored species includes reptiles, amphibians, insects, and birds, etc. Birds are usually chosen as bio-monitoring targets due to the convenience of observation. Domain experts are able to quickly identify and recognize target objects, however, such knowledge and ability is not easy to impart to beginners. This work utilizes repertory grid (RG) technique to extract the knowledge from domain experts. Through the interview with experts, the visual features of objects and the knowledge constructs can be derived. This work selected 17 bird species with high similarity, and 31 constructs representing the inherent domain knowledge of the experts are extracted from the interview. The derived repertory grid table represents the knowledge of the experts and may assist beginners to identify the difference between his knowledge constructs and those of experts. In addition, statistical analysis is conducted on the expert repertory grid constructs tables. The result suggests dividing 17 high similar bird species into 4 groups. The decision tree model also assists in distinguishing bird species with least requirement of constructs. The resulted repertory grid method is implemented as an Android application to allow beginners to learn the knowledge for object identification, and realize the insufficiency of knowledge for better bird identification.


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