  • 學位論文


Crisis? Transition?~ Searching for the Resilience of Single Immigrant Mother

指導教授 : 蔡青芬


在全球化的洪流中,資本全球流動,人口也全球移動,國與國之間的連帶關係加深。我國也可看到婚姻移民不斷增加,新移民女性們來到台灣必須面對許多生活適應問題。若婚姻再觸礁成為單親家庭,其家庭經濟及子女照顧教養的壓力是相當沈重的。 研究者曾擔任單親新移民家庭服務之社會工作員,發現有些單親新移民女性面臨成為單親家庭此一壓力事件,可以安然渡過且成長。若從危機理論的角度來看,危機是「危險」也是「機會」。因此,其中必定有幫助她們化危機為轉機的力量,也就是韌力。再從家庭壓力理論來看,壓力不一定會傷害家庭,有時反而是家庭成長的力量,影響因子包括家庭成員對壓力源的認知、家庭資源、及因應歷程。因此本研究想從單親新移民女性對壓力源的認知、家庭資源、及因應歷程中尋找韌力。 為瞭解單親新移民女性主觀的生活經驗,本研究選擇質性研究。研究對象則採立意取樣,由研究者實習之單親新移民家庭服務中心尋找。計深度訪談6名單親新移民女性,其中五名原國籍為越南,一名為大陸,後將逐字稿譯碼及歸納分析為各個主題。 由研究結果可瞭解單親新移民女性面對成為單親家庭,壓力源依序為:1.擔心孩子;2.經濟壓力;3.不被接納及認同;4.不識中文且缺乏親友支持,面對問題心理焦慮;5.本身罹患疾病,無法工作致經濟陷困;6.遭受家庭暴力等六項,不同的壓力有不同的因應方式。 尋找到的韌力則包括1.與家人間彼此相愛;2.獨立自主不依賴;3.正向思考、正向因應及賦予困境正向意義;4.面對問題不逃避;5.有希望感;6.連結並運用資源;7.自我肯定及相信;8.學習有意義的價值觀等八項。 最後,本研究希望能增強單親新移民女性在研究結果中所尋找到的韌力,故提出十項建議途徑,包括1.協助子女照顧及教養;2.協助就業及提昇就業能力;3.鼓勵正向思考;4.學習較佳的問題解決技巧;5.降低學習及資訊獲得障礙;6.社會工作者要發揮個案管理角色,強化資源連結及運用;7.協助單親新移民女性與原生家庭關係之維持;8.協助單親新移民女性籌組互助團體;9.協助單親新移民女性自我肯定及學習有意義的價值觀;10.迷思破除宣導~看到單親新移民女性是因為「愛」而來到臺灣。 雖然本研究結果無法推論到特定地理區域或其他縣市,但可提供予以單親新移民女性為服務對象之工作者參考。


In the torrent of globalization, as the global capital mobilizes, so does the population of the world flow, which hence deepens the connected relations between countries. It can also be observed that the number of immigrants through marriage in Taiwan increase and that new female immigrants coming to Taiwan have to face many adaptation problems in the daily life. In case that their marriages fail and that they become single parents, the pressure of family economy as well as child care and parenting is quite overwhelming. The author of this study has worked as a social worker for New Immigrant Family Service Center for single parents and has discovered that some single immigrant mothers could survive and thrive while encountering such a stressful event. From the perspective of crisis theory, a crisis is a danger, but means an opportunity. Therefore, there must be some strength to help them turn the crisis into the turning point, which is resilience. Also, from the point of view of family stress theory, pressure does not necessarily hurt the family; instead, it sometimes serves as the power for the family growth, whose affecting factors include family members’ perception of stressors, family resources, and coping process. Thus, this study attempted to find the resilience from single immigrant mothers’ perception of stressors, family resources, and their coping process. In order to understand single immigrant mothers’ subjective experience of life, this study was based on qualitative research. Purposive sampling was used to pick the subjects for studying, who were found from New Immigrant Family Service Center for single parents during the internship of the author. The in-depth interviews involved six single immigrant mothers, who were five Vietnamese and one Chinese, and then the information, transcribed and decoded, was summarized and analyzed into respective topic. From the results of the study, it can be understood that as single immigrant mothers face single-parent families, the stressors are respectively as follows: 1. worrying about children; 2. facing economic pressure; 3. not being accepted and recognized; 4. not knowing Chinese and lacking the support of family and friends while facing the problem with anxiety; 5. suffering from illness and failing to find a job that cause financial crisis; 6. suffering domestic violence; different kinds of pressure have different coping strategies. The found resilience includes: 1. nurturing love and affection among family members; 2. being independent; 3. positive thinking, positive coping and giving the plight a positive significance; 4. facing the problem instead of escaping; 5. Having the sense of hope; 6. linking and using resources; 7. affirming oneself and believing; 8. learning meaningful values. Lastly, with the hope to enhance the resilience found from the results of the study on single immigrant mothers, ten recommended ways were included: 1. assist with child care and parenting; 2. assist with employment and enhance the employability; 3. encourage positive thinking; 4. learn better problem-solving skills; 5. reduce the barriers to learning and access to information; 6. social workers should play a role in case management, strengthening the links to resources and their use; 7. assist single new female immigrants to maintain relationships with their families of origin; 8. assist single immigrant mothers in organizing support groups; 9. assist single immigrant mothers in learning self-affirmation and meaningful values; 10. raise public awareness to get rid of the misconception - seeing that single immigrant mothers came to Taiwan because of "love". While the results of this study cannot be generalized to a specific geographical area or any other city, it provides references for the social workers serving single immigrant mothers.


Wang, Y. H.(2010). Being a Mother in a Foreign Land:Perspectives of Immigrant Wives on Mothering Experiences in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 7 (1): 3-40 (2010)


