  • 學位論文


The Homebuyer’s Decision for Luxury Mansions in Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts Areas

指導教授 : 謝博明


近年來,台灣家庭的所得M型化日益明顯。在房地產市場上,許多有錢人展現其驚人購買力,不惜一擲千金的購買豪宅,而建商亦嗅到此商機而紛紛興建豪宅,成為房地產市場的一項熱門產品。而有錢人在購買豪宅的決策過程與考慮因素有那些?不同特性購屋者購置豪宅之決策因素的變化情形為何?而購買豪宅是做自用還是做為投資,兩者的關聯程度為何?本文以高雄市美術館地區之豪宅為例,利用問卷訪查豪宅購屋者之購買決策行為,並以交叉分析不同特性購屋者之決策因素變化,且運用次序羅吉特模型分析購屋者購買豪宅購屋者的自住程度高低與購買決策因素之重要程度。 實證結果發現絕大多數的受訪豪宅購屋者傾向以自住為主要目的,在購屋時主要考慮因素為改善生活品質並注重建物的安全與私密性。對於建物則較重視野景觀與建材品質和建商的售後服務,對於社區的考量則較重視附近是否有公園綠地以及鄰里環境的寧適性。再者,隨著收入愈高對於建材的品質、建商的售後服務重視程度愈高;若以換屋為購屋目的的購屋者,則較其他目的之購屋者重視視野景觀、售後服務與改善生活品質,亦期待長期能有增值效益,研究中也發現軍公教購屋者較其他職業重視住宅周遭的公園綠地。 而在自住與投資的替換程度方面,從事醫療執業的購屋者較其他行業購屋者傾向較高的自住程度。購屋目的以改善生活品質者,則傾向較高的自住程度,反之,目前自住但期待長期增值者,則傾向較低的自住程度。本研究成果將有助於不同目的的購屋者,在進行購屋決策的考量依據,而未來在建商推案的過程中,亦可參考本研究強化其行銷訴求,促進與購屋者間的交集。


In recent years, we have seen an increasingly significant sign of M shape distribution of Taiwanese household incomes. Many rich people have shown their amazing purchasing power to buy luxury mansions. Real estate developers also built a lot of luxury mansions which have become one hot product in real estate market. What are important factors for rich families in making buying decision to luxury mansions?What are the changing factors for different characteristics of homebuyers’ decision-making of buying luxury mansion? What is the tradeoff between self-lived and investment purpose for luxury mansion buyers? This study investigates luxury mansions owners to explore their home-buying decision behaviors in Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts areas and using cross-analysis to know the changing factors for different characteristics of homebuyers’ decision-making. An ordered logit model is employed to analyze the effect on mansion buyers’ various self-lived levels. It was found that most mansion buyers are likely to be self-lived owners. Most owners bought their luxury mansions for improving their living quality and preferred better landscapes, construction quality and better after-sale services. Whether if parks, green space and better neighborhood environments are located around the mansions are also important factors affecting their home-buying decisions. Homebuyers with higher incomes care more about high quality of building materials, after-sale services. Repeat homebuyers care more about landscapes, after-sale services living quality and expected increments. The results show that homebuyers who work in military services and governments care more about parks and green spaces around the neighborhood than other occupations. The results also show that homebuyers with medical related occupations have more significant and higher self-lived levels. Homebuyers who consider improving their living quality and paying more attention on privacy have higher self-lived levels. On the contrary, homebuyers who expect to have better increment on their properties have lower self-lived levels. The results have implications to luxury mansions’ homebuyers with different purposes in making home-buying decisions, and also have implications to real estate developers regarding their marketing strategies.


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