  • 學位論文


The Effects of the 2009 Kaohsiung World Games on Junior High School Students’ Exercise Behavior & Habit – A Study with the Application of the Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM)

指導教授 : 鄭勵君


2009高雄世運會對國中生運動行為及習慣影響之研究-跨理論模式之應用 摘要 隨著2009高雄世運會完美落幕,更希望能夠藉由台灣第一個國際大型運動賽會的渲染力,能夠影響青少年的運動行為與習慣,再一次注入對運動的熱情與興趣,並透過2009高雄世運會體育推廣政策的效益,改善現今青少年運動不足、肥胖問題及坐式生活導向的情況,希望降低青少年提早罹患慢性疾病的機會,建立青少年正確的運動行為及運動習慣觀念,進而達到健康促進與強化基礎體適能的目標。研究工具包括,一、運動習慣調查表、運動行為參與程度量表、以及跨理論模式相關量表;二、研究對象為高雄市的國中生及體育老師,國中生以問卷調查為主,經分層隨機抽樣法(Stratified Random Sampling),共發出540份問卷,回收問卷有531份,回收率為98%,有效問卷有473份,為88%;而5位體育老師以訪談法進行研究;三、資料處理與分析,本研究透過SPSS 12.0版本進行統計分析,研究結果之顯著水準設定為α=.05。研究結果為:一、研究對象的運動行為階段分佈情形,以準備期最多232人(49%),其次為維持期118人(24%)、行動期74人(15%)、無意圖期25人(5.3%),而意圖期則是24人(5.1%)為最少;二、研究對象的運動行為參與程度有顯著差異(p<.05);三、研究對象不同運動行為階段與運動社會心理變項之間的關係,包括改變方法(認知與行為的改變)、運動知覺利益、運動知覺障礙、運動自我效能,從總分來看各項量表與運動行為階段均有顯著差異(p<.05);四、持續從事2009高雄世運會正式比賽項目有59人(12.5%),包括:撞球17人(28.5%)、飛盤9人(15.3%)、滾球6人(10.2%)、體操5人(8.5%)及拔河4人(6.8%)。總之,本研究對象在2009高雄世運會體育政策推廣介入之下,在運動行為各量表呈現顯著的結果,表示政府體育推廣政策能夠有效影響研究對象的運動行為及習慣,同時發現,跨理論模式是一定程度適用於運動行為與習慣的相關研究。 關鍵詞:2009高雄世運會、青少年、跨理論模式、運動行為


The Effects of the 2009 Kaohsiung World Games on Junior High School Students’ Exercise Behavior & Habit – A Study with the Application of the Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM) Abstract It was sincerely hoped that the 2009 Kaohsiung World Games has carried enough of zeal and enthusiasm to the exercise behavior & habit in youth. With this hope the researchers in this study proposed a policy change which could help correcting the problems of insufficient exercise time, youth obesity, sedentary life style and dropping the chronic disease. Hoping that would in turn to bring in better physical fitness and health in youth in the future.The research tools used in this study including: 1.Exercise Habit Survey chart, Exercise Behavior Participation Level chart and Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM); 2.Subjects in this study including junior HS students and PE teachers. 540 surveys were handed out to the student subjects in the study and 531 had been submitted, returning rate was 98% in which 88% of the surveys were effective. To the 5 PE teachers, an interview method was carried out. 3. SPSS 12.0 computer was used to do the data process & analysis in this study and significant level was set on α=.05. (1) Participants of exercise behavior stage distribution, to prepare a maximum of 232 people (49%), followed by the maintenance of 118 (24%), action of 74 (15%), with only 25 (5.3%) The intent of is 24 (5.1%) were the least. (2) Basically, the study of sports participation behavior significantly different (p <.05). (3) Participants different stages of exercise behavior and exercise socio-psychological relationships between variables, including changes in methods (cognitive change and behavior change), motion perceived benefits, perceived exercise barriers, exercise self-efficacy, from the total score of view and exercise behavior stage of the scale were significantly different (p <.05). (4) Subjects of athletes previously participated in the 2009 Kaohsiung World Games continued to do the same training include: Billiards 17(28.5%), Frisbee 9 (15.3%), P?膺anque 6 (10.2%), gymnastic 5(8.5%) and tag-war 4 (6.8%).In sum, all subjects participating in our 2009 Kaohsiung sports Trans- Theoretical Model have gained significant improvement in all exercise behavior modification charts. With that finding we conclude that good government sports policies lead to good sports habit and the Trans-Theoretical Model is good for studying exercise behavior & habit. Keywords: 2009 Kaohsiung World Games, adolescents, Trans-Theoretical Model, Exercises Behavior




