  • 學位論文


A Study of Affecting Factors about Consumers’ Choosing Luxury Goods’ Patterns and Producing Countries

指導教授 : 陳璧清


在今日的亞洲,一個人穿著決定了他(她)的身分地位。因為亞 洲人熱切地想要擺脫貧窮與屈居社會底層的枷鎖。不管是否真正脫 離,靠著穿戴精品名牌;外在上,宣示了地位與身分;內在上,提升 了自我認同與自我價值感,也藉由著精品的加持晉升上流社會。精品 將市場提升至更具獨特性、更高價位,以及更多利潤,精品變得不只 是商業策略或品牌管理的工具,而是促使消費者為追求更好的體驗、 更深的意義、更豐富的享樂、更深遠的感受所進行的消費。 面對精品的平民化,本研究為探討消費者購買精品的動機,進一 步研究消費者本身的自我建構與消費者在進行購買決策時,是否受到 社會影響的程度,以及精品知覺價值對於消費者在精品的選擇上是否 有所影響。 本研究主要以《Brand 品牌誌》2008 精品大調查中的精品為主要 精品業對象,於2009 年2 月至3 月間進行問卷調查,一共寄發700 份問卷,總計回收460 份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率達六成五。採多 元迴歸分析作為研究變數關聯性的分析方法,研究結果顯示自我建 構、社會結構、精品知覺價值之間皆有正向顯著影響,且消費者的自 我建構人格特質、外在環境的社會結構,以及精品知覺價值皆會對消 費者選擇精品產生影響。 根據研究結果,進一步提出管理意涵:實證結果發現無論何種購 買行為的消費者都會有精品知覺價值重疊的部分,尤以品質最為注 重,故廠商應強化消費者所重疊的知覺價值,加強企業本身的品質並 注重精品的款式和生產國,以博取消費者的購買意願。


Nowadays in Asia, the outfit determines your social status, since Asians are desperately to rid the constraint of being impoverished and having a lower social standing. Whether they succeed or not, people in Asia take owning luxury goods as an exhibition of prestige and improvement of self-recognition and self-value. Furthermore, some have advanced to the higher social circle by the help of luxury goods. The market of luxury goods has been transformed to a unique, high-price and high-profit position. Luxury goods is not only an instrument of business strategy and brand management, but also a catalyst that urges consumers to pursuit better experiences, deeper meaning, richer happiness, and profounder impression. With the fact that luxury goods are popularized, this study is aiming to probe into consumers’ motive of purchasing luxury goods. More, the researcher desires to learn if consumers’ self views and purchase decision-making are swayed by society, and whether consumers’ choices of luxury goods are governed by perceived value of luxury goods. The focus of this thesis is the luxury brands listed in the 2008 survey of Brand magazine. There are 700 questionaires delivered and 460 of them returned effective; the effective percentage is 65%. Multiple Regression Analysis method is taken to investigate the relation among research factors. The result indicates that self-view, social structure and perceived value of luxury goods share mutual positive influence to each other. Furthermore, consumers’ self-view, characteristics, social sturcture of external environment and perceived value of luxury goods are parts of consumers buying consideration. According to the findings, the further management implications are proposed that any consumers’ purchasing behavior is inspired by IV perceived value of luxury goods and that quality is the most important element. Therefore, enterprises are suggested to fortify consumers’ perceived value, to elevate corporate quality, and concentrate on the design of luxury goods and the producing country to strengthen consumers’ purchase intention.


characteristic: The development and validation of a scale measuring
