  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Taiwanese and Chinese Translations of “The Diary of Anne Frank”

指導教授 : 孫順智


本研究旨在探討1993年英文版《安妮日記》之臺灣譯本及中國大陸譯本比較,以英文版本當作原文審視其兩中譯本經過翻譯過程是否忠實原文,作者安妮將此日記視為抒發情感的對象,故此文本的風格參雜許多作者對於日常生活的想法和幻想以及對於人事物的觀察。 針對研究分析,筆者先觀察兩中譯本使用的翻譯技巧之後,藉此歸納出此兩中文版本的翻譯策略以及產生的翻譯現象,透過對照英文原文後,再分析是否符合Reiss、Vermeer和Nida提出的功能翻譯理論並加以解釋其原因,目的是以功能視角分別探討中文版本翻譯風格產生的影響,最後筆者將討論兩譯文品質之優劣。 本研究結果如下:(一)中國譯者的翻譯風格大多以主角為中心,譯文經常使用第一人稱視角且常自行編輯段落順序,譯文皆以安妮為主軸之下更能突顯安妮的心理狀態,此風格巧妙地讓觀眾身歷其境;(二)臺灣譯者與中國譯者相比,較忠實原文與原文語序,此法能夠傳達出原文作者欲向讀者表達的初衷,使讀者能夠同步感受安妮的日常生活想法,較能感受作者的心理變化。


The study is to investigate 1993 “The Diary of Anne Frank” English version and to compare Taiwanese translation with Chinese one. This research focuses on the faithfulness upon two translation versions. Anne Frank, the author, considers her diary to be the best friend. Therefore, the style of the book presents the imagination and experience of her life. The translation skills are the analysis approach, aiming to observe these two translators’ style and objectives, then to discuss whether or not the translations are in accordance with source language, the functional theory of Reiss and Vermeer as well as the functional equivalence of Nida. At last, the better translation turns out. The findings from the study are as follows: (1) the style of the Chinese Translator was to put Anne as the center of the story. The Translator often used the first-person perspective and edited the order of paragraphs herself. Throughout the translation, the vivid emphasis of the author much presents the psychological activity. (2) Compare with Chinese translator, Taiwanese is far more faithful on its translation, expressing the same intention the author is trying to deliver.


孫順智(2014)。「從Artistic Approach的中譯看翻譯的新趨勢:專業翻譯」。《英語文暨口筆譯學集刊》(spectrum),12(1),PP.103-120。
Munday, Jeremy. (2001) Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. London: Routledge.
Nida, Eugene A. (1996) The Sociolinguistics of Interlingual Communication. Brussels: Les Éditions du Hazard.
Reiss, Katharina and Vermeer, Hans J. (1984) Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Venuti, Lawrence. (1995) The Translator's Invisibility. London: Routledge.
