  • 學位論文

基於單元學習的網路教學設計 -以Processing為例

Using Processing Environment for Unit-based Java Web Learning

指導教授 : 王献章


目前企業界對軟體人才的需求一直居高不下,所需的程式設計技巧,除了傳統課堂教學之外,網路上也有許多英文版的教學與練習的自學資源,而中文版的資源較缺乏。有鑑於此,本研究以Processing開發環境為對象,使用HTML5及JavaScript技術開發Java語言的學習網站。 研究主題內容包含基本練習、線、圖形、文字、滑鼠點擊等5大基本單元,使用者可透過單元學習的方式,即時在網站上得到程式碼的視覺化回饋。完成的系統,經高中生測試後表示系統整體滿意度和課程滿意度均在平均之上,顯示本研究提高了學習之意願及動力,並可適當地輔助使用者自主學習Java語言。


There has been a high demand for software professionals among various companies. The necessary programming skill, in addition to traditional class lectures, can be learned from the Internet. However, current leaning materials are mostly in English, few of them are in Chinese. Accordingly, this study aims to develop a Java language learning website using HTML5 and JavaScript technique with the Processing being the target environment. The major topics for this learning website is the fundamental ones in Processing, consisting of basic practices and concepts for using lines, graphics, text, mouse click. Based on the Unit-based studying blocks, users can benefit from the real-time visualized feedback of the programming codes. The resulted system was tested by several students from a high school in Southern Taiwan. The overall satisfaction rate is relative high, showing that the proposed system is feasible in promoting the motivation of learning the Java programming language.


Learning Unit Web Tutorial Processing Java Language


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