  • 學位論文


Study on the Police Power Using in Land Reservation Affairs-Taking Tsengwen Reservoir Watershed as an Example

指導教授 : 曾志民


隨著台灣經濟的快速起飛與發展,在追求經濟發展的過程中,所犧牲環境與資源的社會成本與代價也日益浮現。長期以來,生活圈不斷往山地區域擴展,土地開發密度與日俱增,連帶造成山坡地濫墾、濫伐、濫建及河川砂石的盜採、濫挖,國土超限利用、水源污染、山坡地崩塌及土石流等問題。致使台灣的國土保育成效,在追求經濟成長的洪流中徹底的投降,形成富裕中的貧乏。因此在社會的殷勤關注下,政府為有效防範破壞國土保育行為的漫延,陸續以「任務編組」方式成立各項專責警力,以協助各相關業務權責機關執行查緝、取締任務;惟因目前協助國土保育工作之警察機關眾多,其協助之型態不一,亦產生了事權不一、權責不清等問題。 有鑑於此,本研究乃針對警察在國土保育工作上之角色扮演,以曾文水庫保安警察之運用為例加以探討,除從法制面針對現行國土保育相關法規加以分析,確定法制面之可行性外;並透過相關學術文獻分析,以強化理論面之學理基礎;另針對我國國土保育政策應用警察之現況,以保安警察應用於曾文水庫之案例,設計調查問卷,針對不同領域人士實施問卷調查,以及目前執行國土保育工作之警察人員,就其工作所需知能、工作職責、工作條件等進行訪談,以廣泛的蒐集各項資料。 研究資料經整理、分析、歸納結果,獲致國土保育權責機關有設置國土保育警察之必要性,並對國土保育警察之設置提出:1.現行協助國土保育工作之警察機關應予整合;2.警察協助國土保育工作之權責劃分應明確;3.協助國土保育工作之警察應專責化;及4.協助國土保育工作之警察員額應合理化等4項結論,以供政府主管機關研訂設置國土保育警察政策之參考。


Following the rapid growth and development of the economy in Taiwan, the sacrifice of the environmental resources has gradually become conspicuous during the process of pursuing economic development. The human territory has been extending to the mountain area for a long time. The increase of exploitation in the mountain district has resulted in over-cultivation, deforestation, massive buildings, illegal sandstone quarrying, water pollution, mudslide… etc. In addition, it may cause serious silt up in the reservoir; diminish the fruitage of national land preservation, and turn wealthy Taiwan to be truly poor while pursuing the growth of economic. In view of these problems and attention of society, the government launches “mission assigned” program, gathering the force of policemen to assist relative units implementing the clampdown, effectively prevent the land from damage,. Unfortunately, due to various departments are responsible for land preservation, a great part of the confusion comes from the inconsistency of cooperative manner and the lack of distinction between responsibility and accountability. This research is to identify the role of the police playing in the land preservation based on the practical case of police administration in Tseng Wen Reservoir.This research is not only analysis the feasibility of current regulation of national land preservation, but also analysis the theory from relative reference to strengthen the basis of discuss. Besides, developing different formats of questionnaires based on current rules of preservation policy to widely collect the information about required know-how, job duty and working condition through an interview with people in different fields and security guards for national land preservation. The observation and analysis of the research has illustrated the essentiality of our government to set up “Land Protect and Preservation Police”. And, four comments for policy making of establishing “Land Protect and Preservation Police(LPPP)” are summarized as follows:(1)Various departments related to national land preservation currently should be integrated(2)The accountability and responsibility for the LPPP must be clarified(3)The responsibility of the LPPP should be set up exclusively(4)The amount of the man power of LPPP should be increased reasonably.


