  • 學位論文


Transitions of the "Japanese Spirit" discourse in Taiwan

指導教授 : 天江喜久


「日本精神」一詞自1920年代出現於臺灣,經歷日治時期,國民黨威權時期,以及解嚴後至今的民主時期,一直長存在臺灣民間。但是此一文字不變的名詞卻因為時空的不同,而出現意義變遷的現象。本論文的主要工作,即在研究此一變遷現象的原因。 1920年代日本民間右派組織開始宣揚各式的「日本精神」論述,日本官方自1930年代後,開始研究並採用「日本精神」一詞作為凝聚國民精神的口號。此一口號在1932年後在臺灣出現,旋即與日本本土同步使用,成為中川健藏以後臺灣總督所採用的論述。 「日本精神」論述在1937年臺灣進入皇民化時期,尤其在太平洋戰爭開始後,在政府的全面宣傳下,成為全體臺灣人都知曉的詞語。它當時主要意義是在鼓勵臺灣人在作戰時為國家犧牲奉獻。 在1945年第二次世界大戰結束後初期,由於陳儀政府的腐敗,臺灣人在「二二八事件」群起反抗政府。當時,在還來不及發展出臺灣主體性的情形下,借用「日本精神」論述的一部份,成為抵抗中國民族主義和「奴化論述」的工具。 1947年「二二八事件」後,國民黨政府建立自我的國族論述的同時,禁止日治時期事物的討論,「日本精神」論述成為禁忌。臺灣人以口語相傳的方式,保存「日本精神」論述。在這個時期,除了之前抵抗「中國」的意涵以外,臺灣人增加並賦予此一名詞初步的主體性論述,「日本精神」用來形容具有日治時期「修身」課程所教導的清廉、正義、勤奮、敬業、有信用、誠實、守法、奉公無私等德性的人士,後來更增加了頂真、條直、阿莎力等德性,成為有公民意識和高尚品德集合體的代名詞,作為和「中國人性格」的對比名詞。 1987年臺灣解嚴後逐步走向民主自由,在資訊開放後,國民黨政府由上而下長期的仇日、反日教育影響消退,臺灣人在後殖民時期得到發言權,恢復對進步社會日本的肯定,「日本精神」重新出現於文字媒體中,將戰後到解嚴間的口語記錄為文字,並開始論述化的過程,建構「日本精神」論述,在此同時也開始受到反對人士的批判。 這個時期由於「臺灣」一詞解禁,建構臺灣主體意識的「臺灣精神」國族論述出現。在建立臺灣意識和論述時,臺灣人模擬日治時期「日本精神」論述的架構,開始建立屬於自己的「臺灣精神」論述,「日本精神」是其中最重要的元素。


論述 日本精神 近代化 本土化 抵抗 後殖民 臺灣精神


This thesis investigates the origin and the changes of a popular discourse in Taiwan: “Japanese Spirit/Riben Jinshen.” The word “Japanese Spirit” first appeared in Taiwan in the 1920s. At the time, the right-wing societies in Japan started to propagate the discourse of “Japanese Spirit.” In the 1930s, it was used as a government slogan to unite the subjects in the Japanese Empire. Since appearing in Taiwan in 1932 for the first time, “Japanese Spirit” became a discourse that was used by successive Governor-Generals of Taiwan since Nakagawa Kenzo. During the so called Kominka period (1937-1945), the discourse gained popularity on the island, thanks to mass propaganda. It was used to encourage Taiwanese to sacrifice themselves for the country. In the early post-WWII period, “Japanese Spirit” was used by the Taiwanese people as a tool of resistance against the corrupt and incompetent Kuomintang (KMT) government. In the absence of a Taiwanese national consciousness, “Japanese Spirit” was borrowed to counter official “Chinese Nationalism” and to refute the idea that the Taiwanese people are “enslaved” by the Japanese. After the notorious “2/28 Incident” of 1947, the Kuomintang government forbid things of Japanese period, and “Japanese Spirit” became a taboo. During the Martial Law period (1949-1987), “Japanese Spirit” added another meaning: an antonym of “Chinese character.” It was used to describe a person who is honest, righteous, diligent, dedicated, credible, law-abiding, and other virtues. It became synonymous of people with modern citizenship and noble character. Since the lifting of martial law in 1987, Taiwan has gradually moved towards democracy and freedom. The political change removed all political taboos, including the discussions on the Japanese colonial period. Discourse on the “Japanese Spirit” begun to reappear in the media, filling the blank left from the postwar martial law period. As a result, anti-Japanese sentiment disappeared, and Taiwanese people begun to affirm Japan as a progressive society. Meanwhile, the critique on the Japanese Spirit also appeared. It was during this post-martial law period that the Taiwanese people started to construct “Taiwan Nationalism,” and the discourse of “Taiwanese Spirit” appeared as its product. “Taiwanese Spirit” is a mimic of a “Japanese Spirit;” many elements of the “Taiwanese Spirit” resemble the “Japanese Spirit.”


