  • 學位論文


Hazard Analysis for Organic Solvents Under High-Speed Air Transport

指導教授 : 何三平




During the production process in factories, high speed air is commonly used to transport organic solvents, which could subsequently cause the solvent to atomize, producing static electricity and resulting in a fire or explosion. To prevent related disasters, this research transported organic solvents within pipelines using high speed air, and measured the amount of static electricity at the end of the pipeline using a Faraday cylinder. Field test results showed that the amount of electrostatic charge generated was in positive correlation with air flow rate, pipe length, and the amount of solvent. Furthermore, pipelines with higher resistivity produced static electricity more easily, while impurities within the pipelines would also increase the amount produced. It was also noticed that higher ambient humidity affected the static charge to a high extent. This research analyzed and compared data from experiments as well as previous literatures and proposed improvement strategies toward the hazards of high speed transport of organic solvents. The estimation formula for flow speed limits during air transport of organic solvents was also proposed, and can act as reference for factories that utilized related processes to prevent fire and explosion accidents.


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