  • 學位論文

Verbal and Non-verbal Explicitation Model for Movie Subtitling-Taking Ang Lee's Three Chinese Movies as Examples

Verbal and Non-verbal Explicitation Model for Movie Subtitling-Taking Ang Lee's Three Chinese Movies as Examples

指導教授 : 藍月素
共同指導教授 : 蔡依玲


本研究旨在提供一個模型,並利用該模型分析中文電影裡的語言及非語言訊息,同時檢視明朗化翻譯策略如何將這類訊息重現於譯語。此模型名為「語言及非語言明朗化模型」(VNVE Model)。該模型的構成建基於三個基礎:Baumgarten的視覺-文字整合(Visual-Verbal Integration)和視覺-文字連結概念(Visual-Verbal Cohesion)、Peirce的符號學三角形理論(Semiotic Triangle)、以及翻譯學的明朗化理論(explicitation)。本模型用於探討李安導演的三部中文影片:《推手》、《喜宴》、《臥虎藏龍》的原文內容及英譯。具體上,本模型首先探討上述三部電影原文中符號載體(sign vehicle)、指涉(reference)、意義(sense)的三角關係,並用這種關係界定這三部電影如何將主旨(傳宗接代、禮、義等)以語言及非語言的型式呈現。接著,本模型檢視三部電影現有譯文採用的明朗化策略如何將主旨以英譯文重現。對於現有譯文未處理到的主旨,本模型也提出建議譯法。透過運用本模型,本研究以符號學視角分析電影原文內容,並將中文電影裡和主旨相關的語言及非語言訊息轉譯為英文,以讓目標觀眾了解李安導演這三部中文片的主旨,並可將「語言及非語言明朗化模型」作為未來相關研究建構分析工具之參考,讓中文電影翻譯領域的探討更為豐富多元。


This study develops a model to analyze verbal and non-verbal information in Chinese movies and reviews how explicitation strategies help to represent such information in the target language. The Verbal and Non-verbal Explicitation Model (VNVE Model) is applied to study the source texts and translations of three Chinese movies directed by Ang Lee: Pushing Hands, The Wedding Banquet, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The VNVE Model is constructed on three theoretical concepts: Baumgarten’s Visual-Verbal Integration and Visual-Verbal Cohesion, Peirce's Semiotic Triangle, and explicitation of translation studies. This model firstly identifies verbal and non-verbal presentation of themes of the selected movies by discussing the triangular connection among sign vehicles, references, and senses. Then, it reviews how explicitation strategies are adopted in the existing translations to represent the movie themes in English. This Model also suggests some strategies of translating the themes that are not completely rendered in the existing translations. By proposing this Model, this study analyzes source texts of the selected movies from the semiotic perspective and renders verbal and non-verbal information to make the target audience understand well the themes of the three movies. The VNVE Model can serve as an analytical tool for future research reference in the translation of Chinese movies into other languages.


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