  • 學位論文


An Importance-Performance Analysis on Service Qualities of Community Care Service Stations

指導教授 : 張慈佳


高齡化的社會在台灣明顯的發生,我國在1993年時,65歲以上人口佔全國總人口數達7.1%,聯合國世界衛生組織(World Health Organization ; WHO)的定義,當一個地區65歲以上老年人口超過全國總人口達到7%時,其該國走入「高齡化社會」。我國在人口老化的速度相當得快,隨著人口老化與人口結構持續的變遷,使得我國不得不去重視這些老人問題。 近年來台灣社會快速的高齡化,由內政部所進行的「老人生活狀況調查」發現,大約70%的老人認為最理想的養老居住方式是與子女同住或隔鄰而居,由此可知大部分的老人還是希望可以跟子女同住或是隔鄰而居,不願與家庭分離。 由於我國在人口結構上快速的轉變,各縣市政府因此極力倡導社區照顧,為了讓這些社區在地老化的政策能夠順利地進行,有一個完整的體制,政府也推行了一些相關的計畫案,如行政院於2005年通過的「六星計畫-社區照顧關懷據點計畫」、2007年通過的「長期照顧十年計畫」。此時,這些社區照顧的服務品質如果能夠符合老人所需,就有機會能夠提高老人的福祉,讓老人在晚年的生活可以過得更健康與充實。 本研究藉由IPA分析來探討老人關懷據點的服務滿意度,結果發現,大部分的受訪者對於現有關懷據點所提供的服務品質都有相當高的滿意度。然而,若依據SERVQUAL量表分別觀察五大構面的IPA分析結果,則可以發現不同構面之間的各項服務項目以及硬體環境,都有需要優先改善與過度供給的項目。再利用居住安排與年齡的屬性細分,更可以發現獨居與年齡越大的老人需要的服務品質也越高,本文建議政府利用關懷據點的服務,針對社會的弱勢老人可以有更多的關懷,並且將供給過度的資源做有效的改善。


關懷據點 服務品質 IPA分析


In 1993, the population age 65 and above has raised up to 7.1 % of total population to form aging society in Taiwan. According to the definition of WHO (World Health Organization) , as a population of age 65 and over reaches to 7 % of total population in a Nation , the Nation forms aging society. Aging population increases rapidly in our society, along with the changing of aging population and structure, let our Nation to pay more attention to these aging problems. Recent years, aging population increase rapidly in Taiwan. According to the survey about living conditions of elderly people conducted by Ministry of the Interior. Republic of China, About 70 % of aging population thought the best way to provide pensions is living with their children or neighbors. It can be seen that most aging people still hope that living with their children or neighbors, they are not willing to live separately from family. Because of quickly change of the demographic structure in our Nation, city and county governments greatly promote community care. The government also carried out related projects such as the plan of community care center and care of ten-year-long term conducted by Executive Yuan. Republic of China. in 2005 and 2007. If the quality of community care meets the older people’s needs, it will get the chance to improve welfare of aging population, let older people to live healthier and fulfillment. This research is to study the satisfaction of community care service stations by IPA. The results show that most interviewees get great satisfactions on recent care service stations. However, if the results of IPA analysis are observed by the five SERVQUAL dimensions, it can be seen that there are many items needed to improve first or oversupplied among the service items and physical facilities of different dimensions. Furthermore, using the attributes of living arrangements and age to segment can find that people living alone and older aged need higher service quality. The study suggests the government to use the service of community care station to pay more attention on disadvantaged elderly people and to reduce oversupplied resources greatly.


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