  • 學位論文


Using Data Envelopment Analysis to the Performance Evaluation and Improvement with Application to the Chinese Power Supply Firms

指導教授 : 謝介仁
共同指導教授 : 王瑞生


績效評估對管理者而言,是一項非常重要的議題,因為它不但可以作為決策參考的依據(諸如績效獎金的發放),而且也可以透過效率改善而提高企業之競爭力。在台灣加入WTO以及國內眾多廠商間的競爭,電源供應器產業的競爭格外激烈,為了能夠繼續生存,廠商只好不斷朝向專業化發展,以不斷的創新,來迎合市場的需求,並且以高管理效率來維持市場的競爭力。亞洲是電源供應器的主要生產地區,基於目標市場的考量,全世界較具規模的電源供應器生產廠商,大部份均在中國大陸設廠生產,所以,亞洲已是全球電源供應器的主要生產地區。 績效評估的實施常需透過多個構面的效標來衡量,所以很難用單一的構面來執行績效評估。為了解決這個問題,資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)是最被廣泛使用的工具之ㄧ。故本研究應用資料包絡分析法評估中國大陸電源供應器廠商之管理效率,並以一規模最大的電源供應器製造公司為研究個案,針對其投資於中國大陸電源供應器廠商的相對經營績效之排序。藉此界定出此產業之標竿廠商,並探討標竿廠商經營成功之道,藉此提供國內相關業者,作為改善經營績效的方向,期有助於提升電源供應器廠商之經營績效,進而提升其競爭力。 在績效評估實務上,決策者經常渴望瞭解無效率廠商的改善目標值,透過目標值的改善,可使該決策單位(Decision Making Unit,DMU)達到柏瑞圖的最佳效率值,故決策者可透過對偶問題分析達成此目的。所以,本研究亦運用射線型模式,針對無效率廠商計算出效率改善的目標值,使決策者可據以改善其效率。 本文透過實證研究,完成如下之貢獻:(1)建議應用交叉評估方式可以解決小樣本績效評估的問題,其中,差額變數分析法是一個較新且計算較簡單的分析工具;(2)本文共整理出5個投入變數與5個產出變數,這些評估變數能應用於電源供應器廠商(power supply firms)管理績效評估,可提供後續研究者從事電源供應器相關產業績效評估之用;(3)針對每一個相對無效率的廠商,提供其效率改善目標值,則決策者可以據以改善之,進而提升該企業集團之競爭力。希冀本文研究成果,所提供實務管理之建議,能讓相關產業之經營者,作為擬訂管理決策之參考。


Performance evaluation is one of the most serious concerns for managers, since it can be used as a reference in decision making with regard to such issues as budget distribution and/or performance improvement of business units. Because Taiwan is one member of the World Trade Organization, the power supply industry becomes more keen competition. To deal with the quickly changing competitive environment in high technology innovation, better performance firm can constantly capture competitive advantage. Since Asia is an important power supply manufacturering area, many firms are planted in China and it becomes the main production district of the power supply industry. Therefore, with the quick growth of economics, the personal computer produces a large amount of derived demand for the power supply. The performance evaluation factors are typically multi-dimensional, and thus they cannot be aggregated using the numerical price or cost. Consequently, there is no appropriate aggregation schema for multiple characteristics, and the basic problem of performance measurement is how to evaluate the relative efficiency of business units. To overcome this difficulty, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a widely utilized technique. In this study, we apply the DEA methodology to evaluate the management performance of power supply firms in China, with the aim to achieve a full ranking and identify the benchmark. Moreover, we attempt to investigate the management strategies to provide the management insights for the related firms to improve their efficiency, and thus to increase their competitiveness. In a DEA evaluation, one important outcome of the analysis is a set of values for dual variables which indicate how the associated factors should be adjusted so that inefficient units can achieve Pareto efficiency. This study applies the radial measurement through dual analysis to obtain the alternative targets of factors for inefficient power supply firms, and thus managers can understand how the associated factors should be adjusted so that input wastages and output shortfalls can be eliminated. There are three advantages in this study. First, this study proposes that the the scholars can utilize the cross-evaluation method, such as slack analysis, to deal with the small sample size proble., since most small, local enterprises only contain a few business units. The advantage of this approach is that it utilizes the available information from the linear programming outputs to calculate the efficiency indices and ensures a full ranking, and thus the process is a relatively easy task, once the mathematical analysis is completed. Second, based on the literature review and consulting to the manahers, this study concludes five inputs and five outputs as the evaluation factors. The factors concluded in this study can aid the scholars in the performance evaluation of the related industries. Third, this study applies the dual analysis in data envelopment analysis to identify the improvement targets of factors for performance improvement of power supply firms. This can assist the decision maker to understand how the associated factors should be adjusted so that input wastages and/or output shortfalls can be eliminated for the inefficient firms. The advantage of this study is that it con not only obtain the improvement targets of factors, but also the management insights obtained can be used as a reference for the management of other hotels during their expansion strategies and the global financial crisi


林宜玫。民國99。「台灣半導體產業經營績效分析-一般DEA與SBM DEA模式」。國立臺北大學碩士論文。
