  • 學位論文


Effects of Dermal Exposure and Transepidermal Water Loss on the Biomarker of Chromium Exposure

指導教授 : 許憲呈


營建工程所使用的水泥中含有顯著量的六價鉻,以往流行病學研究發現水泥作業勞工有嚴重的皮膚疾病。六價鉻除了經由呼吸暴露的途徑進入人體內外,亦容易經由皮膚吸收。本研究針對泥水作業勞工,進行空氣及皮膚總鉻和六價鉻暴露測定,並收集尿液樣本以評估作業勞工總鉻和六價鉻暴露量。所收集樣本利用原子吸收光譜儀(Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, AA)及紫外光可見光分光光度儀(Ultra Violet-Visible Spectroscopy, UV/Vis),進行樣本三價及六價鉻的分析。此外,執行經皮水分散失(transepidermal water loss, TEWL)測定,以評估勞工皮膚的障壁功能。結合問卷所收集的暴露資料,包括:工作習慣、工作史,水泥成分、工作時間和頻率、手套使用等,綜合皮膚暴露指標(integrated dermal exposure index, IDEI)被計算,用以探討六價鉻皮膚暴露吸收情形與生物暴露指標的關係。結果顯示:空氣中六價鉻濃度為法定容許濃度(5 ?慊/m3)之千分之一,但勞工下班前尿中總鉻濃度約為生物暴露指標值(biological exposure index, BEI)25 ?慊/L 的2倍。單變量迴歸分析結果顯示TEWL與尿中鉻濃度未達統計上顯著相關,尿中鉻濃度隨IDEI上升而顯著上升(p<0.05),並與皮膚疾病嚴重呈顯著相關(r=0.4)。由現場空氣中極低鉻暴露,尿中鉻濃度與IDEI及皮膚疾病之顯著相關,推論泥水業作業勞工皮膚鉻暴露,可能是其體內鉻含量的主要來源。


三價鉻 六價鉻 皮膚暴露 皮膚吸收 TEWL


Cement used in construction contains significant amount of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+). Historical epidemiological studies found that cement workers had severe dermatitis. Cr6+ can enter a human body not only by inhalation, but also through skin absorption. In this study, air and dermal exposure measurements of total chromium and Cr6+ were taken for cement workers. Urine samples of these workers were also collected to assess their total chromium and Cr6+ exposures. All samples collected were analyzed by using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AA) and Ultra Violet-Visible Spectroscopy (UV/Vis) to quantify the amounts of Cr3+ and Cr6+. In addition, measurements of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were conducted to evaluate the skin barrier function of the workers. Combined the information collected by questionnaires, including work practices, work history, cement composition, work time and frequency, glove usage, etc., an integrated dermal exposure index (IDEI) was calculated to explore the relationship of Cr6+ skin absorption and biological exposure marker. The results showed that the concentrations of Cr6+ in the air samples were less than 1/1000 of the permissible exposure level (5 ?慊/m3), but the concentrations of total chromium in urine samples collected at end of shift on the workday were 2 times of the biological exposure index (BEI), 25 ?慊/L. The result of simple linear regression analysis showed the measurements of the TEWL were not significantly associated with the concentration of total chromium in the urine samples. The concentrations of total chromium in the urine samples increased as the IDEI values increased (p<0.05) and were significantly associated with the severity of skin diseases. Because of the low concentration of Cr6+ in the air of the work environment and significant associations between the urinary Cr6+ concentrations and the IDEI values and skin diseases, it is inferred that dermal chromium exposure probably was the main source of body chromium for cement workers.


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