  • 學位論文


Assessing the disinfection capability of aerosolized chlorine dioxide solution on indoor microbes

指導教授 : 吳佩芝


室內環境中無所不在的微生物,為影響室內環境品質及人體健康的原因之一。有效降低室內微生物濃度是維持環境品質之必須方案。二氧化氯為近年來廣泛被用於控制微生物之廣效性抑菌劑,近期又有錠劑產品面市,配製與釋放均為便利,但實際應用於室內環境抑菌之有效性、使用濃度及適用性資訊仍相當有限。本研究利用不鏽鋼片塗佈菌株模擬表面汙染狀況,進行市售二氧化氯錠劑之抑菌效能測試。測試方法為在暴露艙放置種植3種菌株不鏽鋼片,包含綠膿桿菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853)、枯草桿菌(Bacillus subtilis NCBI 3610)以及枯草桿菌內孢子,經自然乾燥後再暴露於超音波霧化之二氧化氯,測定菌株於不同時間下減少的濃度比例。並進一步於實場測試霧化二氧化氯水溶液擴散至不同位置表面上的抑制效能評估。自然乾燥1小時測試結果顯示,綠膿桿菌的存活率為9.28 ± 1.77 %;枯草桿菌的存活率為9.51 ± 0.83 %;枯草桿菌孢子的存活率則為80.67 ± 4.51 %,顯示水分蒸發對於細菌存活有所影響。暴露艙抑菌測試結果顯示定時及連續噴霧二氧化氯60 min,對比於自然乾燥條件綠膿桿菌再削減了95.3、97.9 %;枯草桿菌削減81.1、91.7 %;枯草桿菌孢子則為37.6、52.0 %。三者在統計上呈現顯著差異p < 0.05。實場空間測試中,在噴霧二氧化氯60 min後,放置在牆面上之不鏽鋼片綠膿桿菌平均削減85.0 %、枯草桿菌平均削減76.5 %、枯草桿菌孢子平均削減22.5 %;放置在桌面上綠膿桿菌分別削減為86.2 %、枯草桿菌為78.2 %、孢子則為26.4 %;放置門把手綠膿桿菌削減64.1 %、枯草桿菌削減33.8 %、孢子則削減9.7 %;放置在玻璃面綠膿桿菌分別削減為81.1 %、枯草桿菌削減為78.7 %、孢子則削減為19.9 %;放置在椅墊上綠膿桿菌則為82.9 %、枯草桿菌削減為76.2 %、孢子則削減為19.7 %。效能較差的位置是放置於門把上之測試片。結果顯示,二氧化氯對於特定菌株的確有表面抑菌效果。惟其選用濃度及釋放條件應於事前詳加評估。


Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has been found to be effective to control various microorganisms. In the study, a tablet product of ClO2 is applied to control bacterial-contaminated surface in exposure chamber and laboratory environment. In addition, airborne ClO2 concentration is measured simultaneously when ultrasonic fogging to establish the releasing setting complied with permissible exposure level (PEL, 0.1 ppm in Taiwan). Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853),Bacillus subtilis (NCBI 3610) and Bacillus subtilis spore (NCBI 3610) was selected as index strains and inoculated on sterilized stainless metal coupon for ClO2 exposure (100 ppm) subsequently to 1 hours ventilated drying . The survival rate of P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis, B. subtilis spore were 28 ± 1.77%, 9.51 ± 0.83% and 67 ± 4.51%, respectively. Regularly and continuous releasing chlorine dioxide resulted in 95.3 and 97.9 % population decreased of P. aeruginosa. 81.1, 91.7 % of B. subtilis were decreased under the same releasing setting. B. subtilis spore, on the other hand, presented significantly better resistance to ClO2 than above strains (37.6, 52.0 % were decreased, p < 0.05). The results of laboratory environment testing showed that disinfecting efficiency of ClO2 fogging was influenced by the uniformity and orientation. The average decreasing rate of P. aeruginosa indoor was 83.8% (containing table surfaces, chair and vertical face), which is significantly better than door handle (64.1, p < 0.05). The ClO2 fogging also revealed the trend when controlling B. subtilis (average 77.4% and 33.8% on door hand, p <0.05) and B. subtilis spore(average 22.1% and 9.7% on door hand, p <0.05). Under determining releasing setting and target carefully, ClO2 can be considered as effective disinfectant for improving indoor environment quality.


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