  • 學位論文

生態旅遊對海岸溼地利用與保育影響之認知分析 -以七股海岸溼地為例

The Impacts of Ecoturism Action on Coastal Wetland eveloping and Conservation- The Case of Qigu Coastal Wetland

指導教授 : 周士雄


摘要 台灣土地資源有限面對各項發展需求,海岸開發勢必無法避免,然過度利用對生態影響必造成不可逆之衝擊。在未考量到海岸溼地資源特性與發展生態旅遊活動之關聯,因此本研究旨在兼顧實質生態環境保育、地區經濟發展及社會文化品質提昇等不同層面下,針對生態旅遊活動對海岸溼地衝擊影響,以專家學者與地區居民認知差異作探討,據以提供政府相關單位與地方居民擬定發展策略之參考,進而建構七股溼地為永續發展海岸地區。 整個潛在生態旅遊衝擊影響架構分為三個層面,依序為:(1)生態環境面:自然資源、野生動植物棲地、土地利用、環境品質等四項指標及17個影響因子。(2)經濟層面:居民收入、地方產業發展二項指標及5個影響因子。(3)社會文化層面:地方文化、人口、環境教育、生活方式等四項指標及10個影響因子。總共十項指標32個影響因子。本研究選定雲嘉南國家風景區內七股海岸溼地為實證地區,經由專家學者與地區居民等二組對上述衝擊影響作訪談問卷,並進行統計分析,包含敘述性統計分析、信度檢定及T檢定,茲將結果摘述如下: 1.生態環境面:受訪者二組認為自然資源(景色)、土地利用(休閒遊憩設施)等2個影響因子,具影響性且屬正面影響,惟土地利用指標項(公共設施開闢、住宅開發等2個影響因子)地區居民亦認為屬正面影響與專家學認知有所差異。而環境品質指標項:垃圾、噪音、空氣品質、交通,則一致認為具影響性且屬負面影響。 2.經濟層面:受訪者二組認為居民收入(居民就業、居民所得、居民轉業)、地方產業發展(當地農特產品行銷、民宿發展)等二項指標及5個影響因子,具影響性且屬正面影響。其影響程度經t檢定分析後,t>差異的95%信賴區間的下界,檢定值p<0.05達統計上顯著,對生態旅遊於海岸溼地經濟層面上有顯著性差異。 3.社會文化層面:受訪者二組一致認為社會文化層面:地方文化(傳統技藝、自己的文化)、人口(人口成長、地區向心力)、環境教育(民眾生態教育、解說服務、環境監測、學術研究)、生活方式 (族群交流、生活環境品質)等四項指標及10個影響因子,具影響性且屬正面影響。其影響程度經t檢定分析後,t>差異的95%信賴區間的下界,檢定值p<0.05達統計上顯著,對生態旅遊於海岸溼地社會文化層面上有顯著性差異。 未來研究可先瞭解遊客行為,並由相關管理單位訂定海岸溼地生態旅遊管理規範,落實施行,並藉由環境教育增加地區居民對周遭生態環境資源的認識,進而從事旅遊行業或其他活動,以提高地區經濟產業發展。管理單位也可配合上述影響因子差異做生態環境監測,以暸解實質生態環境影響的改變,俾發揮環境教育功能或作為擬定環境保育政策時之參考。


Abstract Because land resources are limited in Taiwan, it is indispensable to utilize coastal resources. However, over costal exploiture would give an impact on ecology. They also have not considering the relevance of resource characteristics of coastal wetland and development of ecoturism,They fore, the objective of this research is to study the impact of ecoturism on coastal wetland based on the conservation of ecological environment, local economic development, and society cultural quality. The difference of the opinion between experts and local habitants is investigated to provide the reference for the government and local habitants so as to make the development policy by which the substantial development of the Qigu coastal wetland as a sustainable developed coastal area. The potential impact of ecoturism resort can be categorized into three aspects: (1) Aspect in substantial ecological environment: four indexes - natural resources, wild animal and plant habitat, land utilization, and environmental quality as well as 17 impact factors, (2) Aspect in economy: two indexes - habitant income and local industry development as well as 5 impact factors, (3) Aspect in social culture: four indexes – local culture, population, environmental education, and life style as well as 10 impact factors. Thus, there are 10 indexes and 32 impact factors. This research chooses the Qigu coastal wetland of the Yunlin-Chiayi national landscapes as the studied area. Two surveys from experts and local habitants were performed to study the above-mentioned impact. Then, the statistical analysis was conducted, including descriptive statistical analysis, confidence test, and t-test. The results are outlined as follows: 1.Aspect in substantial ecological environment: the surveys from experts and local habitants both indicate that natural resources (landscapes) and land utilization (resort facility) have the positive impact. Local habitants think land utilization (public facility construction and housing construction) have a positive impact while experts do not think. The other environmental quality(garbage、make noise、air quality and teaffic transport) 4 impact factors are all negative. 2. Aspect in economy: the surveys from experts and local habitants both indicate that habitant two indexes - income and local industry development as well as 5 impact factors are positive. The impact extent was studied by the t-test analysis, which shows that the difference exists but is not obvious because the obvious level is less than 0.05 as t is larger than the lower limit of 95% confidence level. 3. Aspect in social culture: the surveys from experts and local habitants both indicate that four indexes – local culture, population, environmental education, and life style as well as 10 impact factors are positive. The impact extent was studied by the t-test analysis, which shows that the difference exists but is not obvious because the obvious level is less than 0.05 as t is larger than the lower limit of 95% confidence level. The future research can be conducted first from understanding the tourists’ behavior with the regulations of coastal wetland environment monitoring established and executed by the related institutes. By doing so, the local residents can increase the understanding of their surrounding ecological environmental resources, thereby they can operate the tourism and other activities so as to upgrade the development of the local industries’ economy. Also, by combining the above-mentioned various factors to recognize the substantial impacts on ecological environment, the responsible institutes can do numerical comparisons for ecological environment monitoring and promote the environmental education or use it as a reference for the environmental conservation policy.


