  • 學位論文


To analyze the relationship among trust, satisfacation and loyalty in different personality traits of internet consumers

指導教授 : 陳細鈿


近年來,由於電子商務的蓬勃發展,開創了無限的商機,也改變了人們的生活型態與消費習性。透過網路進行交易的人數與規模逐年成長,且營業額非常可觀。然而在競爭激烈的環境下,如何吸引顧客上網消費,成為網路購物業者的重要課題。一般而言,要吸引消費者進行網路購物,除了要增加消費者對於網站及商品之「信任」,同時消費者「滿意度」也將會決定顧客未來的消費行為。尤其是網購業者無法直接面對消費者,因此顧客滿意度是業者能否獲得顧客高「忠誠度」的關鍵;此外消費者本身的性格與心理狀態也會影響到顧客的消費行為。 本研究回顧國內外探討網路購物方面的文獻發現,多在探討影響消費者網路購物行為--信任、滿意度及忠誠度等三個因素兩兩之間的關係,而有關此三個因素相互影響的整體結構模式及不同人格特質的消費者對此三個因素的影響之研究卻很少見,故本研究建立一個「不同人格特質之網路購物消費者在信任、滿意度及忠誠度間之關聯性」的研究模型,欲加以驗證。首先,利用前測來檢查問卷之信度與效度,並對問卷作適當的修正。接著發放正式問卷,以驗證不同人格特質的消費者對網路購物行為因素之影響及此三個因素的整體線性結構模式的關係。以便對消費者之網路購物行為有更深入的了解,並提供網路購物業者或後續研究者參考的依據。


網路購物 信任 滿意度 忠誠度 人格特質


In recent years, the flourishing development of e-commerce has created the limitless business opportunity as well as changed people’s life style and consumption habits. The number and scale of people traded through the network grows up year by year, and the business volume is very considerable. However, it becomes an important subject of the shopping website that how to attract customers to surf the website to consume under the environment of keen competition. Generally, if a shopping website would like to attract consumer carry on shopping at network, it should increase the trust of consumer on website and products, and at the same time customer satisfaction will also determine customer’s consumption behavior in the future. Especially, the internet shopping website is unable to face consumers directly, so customer satisfaction is a key whether the shopping website could obtain customer’s high loyalty. Besides, personality and mentality of customers will affect their consumption behaviors. The results of many papers which are discussed about internet shopping show that there are many affect factors of customers’ behavior. Almost researches explore the relationship of trust with satisfaction, or satisfaction with loyalty, or trust with loyalty. There are few researches to discuss about the three factors interrelationship and different personality traits, so the study constructs a model “the relationship among trust, satisfaction and loyalty in different personality traits of internet consumers”, and tests and verifies. First, we use pre-test to check the reliability and validity, and make adequately modification, then to use formal questionnaires to demonstrate the effect and relation between different personality traits and the three factors. It will make sense customers’ behavior and provide comments for internet shopping proprietors or researches in future.


nternet shopping Trust Satisfaction Loyalty Personality trait


1.Allport, G. W., and Odbert, H. S. (1936) “Trait-Names: A Psycholexical Study” Psychological Monographs 47.


