  • 學位論文


The Impact of Memory Load, Time Effect, Regulatory Fit on Customer Choice Behavior

指導教授 : 林財源 曾信超


對消費者行為的研究除了要考量知覺價格所產生的影響之外,同時也要以考量時間的長短與腦力資源等因素。先前的研究已經發現,當人必須快速作選擇的時候,捷思法會迅速的啟動來降低大腦的負擔,也要就從過去的經驗來判斷或是僅考慮自身覺得重要的因素,而忽略大部分的因素,因此可能導致邏輯上非理性的錯誤。 然目前的研究卻沒有證實,當人有更多的思考時間,也就是更多的腦力資源時,是否人的決策就會朝更理性的方向前進,也就是說會產生理性的行為;還是依舊會想保持腦力資源,來應付未來更重要的事。 當研究消費者的行為時常常會因為情境的變化頻繁,因此影響到研究的結果。本研究採用實驗法,自變數包括有時間(長或短)、記憶負荷(有或無)、價格(高或低),來進行實驗觀察因變數的結果,是理性還是感性反應,本論文假設理性的人會選擇健康但是不好吃的食物而感性的人會選擇好吃但是不健康的食物;或是理性的人會選擇實用性強的物品而感性的人會以外觀及娛樂性來考量。 本研究建立的一個實驗模型來研究消費者決策行為的影響,並降低外在環境可能產生的偏誤,共有五點發現,首先,記憶負荷對價格低的產品有影響但對價格高者影響低;第二,時間效應對價格低的產品影響弱,但對價格高者影響大;第三,對低價產品而言,增加考慮時間與記憶負荷時,其結果不顯著;第四,對高價產品而言增加考慮時間與記憶負荷時,其結果顯著。第五,高低價產品不只影響因子不同,決策思考方向也會改變。本研究對既有的FCB方格作出有用的修訂,可作為未來行銷與消費者行為研究上的參考。


Consumer behavior may reflect not only perceived price value but also the differences between consider time and mental resource. Earlier research has shown that heuristics is employed to lighten brain load when people have to make quick decisions. However, it is not clear whether people will make rational choices if they have plenty of time. Literature shows that human will have different approaches when product price is low or high but cannot prove that human are apt to save mental resources for things that are more important. When scholars research consumer behavior where circumstances change frequently, circumstances may be biased as a signal of consumer behavior. In this study, we investigated independent variables, including abundant/insufficient time (mental resource), high/low involvement (price), with/without memory load (intuition vs. Rationality). We developed an experimental model that examined the impact of consumer decision behavior in order to reduce bias caused by circumstances. There are five findings in this dissertation. First, memory load affected the choice behavior of cheap food group but not of expensive product group. Second, extended time of consideration influenced the consumer behavior of high price product group but not of cheap food group. Third, cheap food group displayed no significant difference in memory load and extended time situation. Fourth, expensive product group acted significantly different in memory load and extended time situation. Therefore, consumer behavior will be affected by time. Fifth, consumers employed different approaches when the product price was different. The research findings will provide insights for decision-making and will be useful for revising established FCB Grid.


Memory Load Time Effect Brain resource FCB Grid


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