  • 學位論文


A Study on Quality of Working Life Satisfaction of Professional Baseball Player

指導教授 : 陳安妮 博士


台灣棒球運動一直以來都非常的盛行,而自從台灣成立職業棒球以後,不少棒球選手都以進軍職業棒球隊為一大目標。職棒球隊經營需要專業,此與業餘棒球是有所區別的。企業經營職業運動除了本身對運動的喜愛之外,也考量其在商業上的價值。因此對於其所屬之球員亦有其期望。本研究主要探討我國職棒選手對於工作生活品質滿意度之現況與其個人屬性變項間之關係,來進行探討。本研究參考相關問卷,自編「工作生活品質滿意度量表」及「個人基本資料」等兩部份,作為研究工具。並以中華職棒四個球團現役選手為研究對象,共發出研究問卷120份。所得資料採用描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 考驗及獨立樣本單因子變異數及皮爾森相關分析。研究結果發現:1. 職棒選手已婚者佔多數,且大都具有大學以上學歷,25-35歲為最主要的年齡層,月薪資則以15萬下佔近六成。2. 職棒選手在工作生活品質滿意度嚴重偏低,「工作生涯發展」為最高構面、「同仁合作方式」。3. 職棒選手背景變項對工作生活品質滿意度間有差異存在。4. 職棒選手背景變項中「年齡層」、「職棒年資」、「薪資」及「球團」與工作生活品質滿意度,有正面相關存在。最後,本研究提供職業棒球球團、職業棒手選手及政府主管機關,針對未來工作生活品質改善的具體說明,及未來研究發展之建議。


In Taiwan, baseball games has been being very popular since the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) being founded, lots of baseball players also aimed to join one of the teams in CPBL. But the way to manage a professional baseball team not only needs the enthusiasm, knowledge and the professions about it, the sponsors also considering its value of the business, it’s totally different from managing an amateur one. Besides, the sponsors also have lots of expectation to the players.This research investigates the relations between the satisfactions of life quality and the personal characteristics. For the reference questionnaires, it divided into two parts, Satisfaction Metric of Life Quality and Personal Files. The objects of the research aims 120 AD players in CPBL and analyzed the results by Descriptive Statistics, Independent Sample T Test (ISTT), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (Pearson’s). The result says : 1. Most of players are married, graduated from colleges, the average ages between 25-35, and 60% of them get less than one-hundred and fifty thousand dollars for salary per month. 2. They have low satisfaction of life quality and the development of career for the highest facets. 3. There are divergences between players’ background variables and satisfaction of live quality. 4. There is a positive correlation of players’ background, age, years in CPBL, salaries and satisfaction.Last, the research provides the Professional baseball clubs, players and government agencies to describe the improvement of life qualities and the development of research in the future.


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