  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness Evaluation of Escape Equipments and Technics for Health Care Organization

指導教授 : 何三平


老人福利機構收容對象大多為避難弱勢,火災發生時,現行老人福利機構設置之避難設備,無法符合機構使用者之特性,甚至無法使用,勢必難以將高齡者安全撤離該場所。本研究針對老人福利機構收容之弱勢避難人員,蒐集國內外避難疏散相關文獻、各種救援設備之種類型式與救援技術等相關資料,實際進行避難設備及搶救器具之操作方時間量測,將所量測之數據透過FDS+Evac進行模擬分析,找出最適用於老人福利機構之避難器材及操作方式。 本研究發現符合老人福利機構特性有自走式避難梯及SAR擔架、SKED擔架與Ferno籃式擔架等三種擔架。這三種擔架具備完整包覆病患並穩固的將病患固定於擔架內,且皆可行水平吊掛等特點,考量連續疏散增加效率,可配合目前常設之避難設備緩降機進行垂直疏散,其中SAR擔架為最適合配合緩降機之擔架,3人操作只需150秒為最佳之操作人數。從FDS+Evac電腦模擬結果顯示,自走式避難梯較適合用於疏散200人之大型老人福利機構,而緩降機結合擔架使用於小型老人福利機構內,機構人力配置分組以3人為一組進行協助避難時,其可減少設備設置成本。相較於衛生署新營醫院北門分院,緩降機結合擔架之疏散方式可節省人力並能夠連續疏散,且消防隊員協助救災時,能更快速的使用本研究之方式協助避難,以提升老人福利機構之避難能力。


It is hard to evacuate the elderly people from health care institutions during fires. By observing the current fire escape equipment in the health care institutions, it can be acknowledged that the equipment is unsuitable and even unusable for the users in the institutions. Different types of rescue equipment and rescue techniques are explored from domestic and abroad literatures of evacuation. The actual measurements on the time needed for the operation of the fire escape equipment were also conducted. All of the data was then adopted and used in FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) simulations in order to discover the most suitable equipment and operating methods for health care institutions. After evaluating equipment characteristics, the SAR stretcher, SKED stretcher, and Ferno basket stretcher were found to be suitable for health care institutions. These three types of stretchers all possess good covering for the body, can firmly fix the patients within it; and also can hang the patients horizontally. They can be used in cohesion with the escape slings seen in all buildings to precede vertical evacuation. From the results given by FDS, automatic emergency ladders would be more efficient during evacuation than using escape slings with stretchers for large-scale institutions of more than 200 people; and it was discovered that the escape sling with stretcher model would be more effective in small-scale institutions. After making various modifications and doing actual tests, results showed that the SKED stretcher could be buckled together more quickly, and if the Ferno basket stretcher could be properly stored in a suitable bag, then it would save lots of operating time. Automatic emergency ladders could also save lots of operating time and manpower, and due to the fact that the ladders use less manpower, it would be more ideal for health care institutions. Escape slings with stretchers can utilize the escape slings which are already installed in all institutions and are also less costly. Therefore, Escape slings are more suitable for small-scale institutions.


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