  • 學位論文


The Trends of Overuse in Diagnostic Imaging for Low Back Pain in Taiwan, 2002-2010

指導教授 : 林文德


目的:以下背痛診斷性造影之過度利用為例,探討過去九年間的變化趨勢及其影響因素的改變情形,進行國內醫療服務過度利用的初步探討。 方法:採回溯性世代研究之設計,以2002-2010年全民健保8%承保抽樣歸人檔資料進行下背痛診斷性造影之過度利用率分析。排除18歲以下、前六個月有其他下背痛診斷、診斷性造影為適應症者,下背痛患者於第一次發作後30天內有利用診斷性造影(X-rays、CT、MRI)被定義為過度利用。本研究以卡方檢定分析有、無過度利用患者之個人特性、醫師特性、醫院特性是否有差異,並利用Cochran-Armitage Trend Test檢定九年間有、無過度利用診斷性造影人數是否有趨勢存在。在控制性別、年齡、就診次數變項後,利用卜瓦松迴歸分析2002、2010年診斷性造影過度利用率之影響因素。 結果:研究對象由2002年的1034,207人增加至2010年的1,089,742人,而下背痛診斷性造影之過度利用人數從2002年123,790人持續增加至2010年的154,328人。診斷性造影過度利用率由2002年12.0%逐漸上升至2010年14.2%。前後九年影響因素未改變的包含Charlson合併症指數、就醫次數、醫師性別、醫師年齡、醫師科別,其中Charlson合併症指數2分以上、就醫次數5次以上、及在醫學中心或財團法人醫院就醫的病患,或醫師為男性、小於34歲或神經外科者,過度利用均顯著較多。反之,2010年男性、18-34歲、在區域醫院就醫的病患開始顯著有較多的過度利用情形。 結論:以下背痛診斷性造影的過度利用為例,過去九年間有顯著逐年增加的趨勢,未來應再逐步擴大研究其他過度利用之醫療服務項目,期能估算過度利用的規模,以做為未來政策介入之依據。


Objective: Overuse of diagnostic imaging in patients with low back pain (LBP) is common and costly. This study examined the trends of overuse of diagnostic imaging in LBP patients from 2002 to -010, and explored the factors attributing to its change. Methods: With a retrospective cohort study design, we used a longitudinal sample consisted of 8% ( about 2 millions) randomly sampled National Health Insurance beneficiaries from 2002 to 2010. We excluded LBP patients aged under 18 years, having an initial episode of LBP within 6 months, and patients whose claims indicated neurologic deficit, trauma, low impact injuries, cancer, infection disease.Patients with primary diagnosis of LBP who had an imaging study (x-ray, MRI, or CT scan) within 30 days after first LBP diagnosis was defined as overuse. The difference in patient, physician and hospital factors between overuse and non-overuse was examined using Chi-square and T test. Poisson regression was then applied to quantify the incidence rate ratio within a factor attributd to overuse. Results: The estimated overuse rate of diagnostic imaging increased from 12.0% in 2002 to 14.2% in 2010.In 2002, the rate of overuse was higher in patients with Charlson ‘s index more than 1, visiting doctor 5 times or more in one year, more often having a physician with male gender, aged under 34, or with neurosurgical pecilty, or visiting medical center or foundation-owned hospital. Conversely, patients with male gender, aged 18-34 , or visiting regional hospitals more often had higher overuse rate in 2010. Conclusion: The trends of overuse in diagnostic imaging for patients with LBP had significantly increased over recent 9 years.Other type of overuse should be explored to estimate the scale of overuse in the overll health services industry as the basis of future policy intervention.


low back pain diagnostic imaging overuse


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