  • 學位論文


Study on the Effectiveness of Emergency Response Training in a Semiconductor Foundry.

指導教授 : 謝賢書


緊急應變指揮系統(Incident Command System)早在1970年由美國軍方發展應用於軍事管理。經濟部工業局於1990年引進與推廣,目前已普遍成為搶救災害的共通應變模式。不論是政府機關或工廠皆將這一套指揮模式運用在緊急災害發生時的指揮、通報、緊急處理、災後復原以及訓練。此套系統在國外行之有年;在臺灣,有幾次重大的災害更證明了這一套模式能防止災情的擴大,能有效地進行災情的防堵與搶救。 這套系統的有效運用相當程度地端賴工廠是否能落實對緊急應變團隊 (Emergency Response Team, ERT)成員的訓練及實場演練。緊急應變訓練的重點在於如何有效轉移正確的「知識」、「態度」與「技能」予以緊急應變團隊的成員。因為通常面對的緊急狀況都是獨一無二的,有太多不確定的因素使應變人員必須立即反應來處理任何狀況。這樣,緊急應變訓練應該使學員有充分的準備去面對意外事故,並當場作判斷以面對任何的緊急狀況。 本研究以某「半導體廠」緊急應變人員訓練落實度問卷調查為主。希望藉由本研究得協助國內半導體廠診斷出可能之訓練及演練之缺失,據以強化目前緊急應變訓練運作狀況及教育訓練策略。根據問卷回收之統計分析,可歸納以下結果: 一、緊急應變能力與訓練時數、應變經驗、對公司的認同度與歸屬感有直接而密切的關係。 二、對於目前的緊急應變演練方式及形態,受訪者普遍認為「按照劇本來實施緊急應變演練」及「演練所犯的缺失改善」情形仍有改善及加強的空間。


The US military services have developed and implemented the Incident Command System (ICS) since 1970. Industrial development Bureau brought in the ICS and has disseminated it in the domestic industries. After several natural disasters and industrial fires, the system has been recognized as the effective framework in dealing with commanding, communicating and rescue during incidents, and in dealing with recovery after accidents. How successful the ICS can be very much depends on the effectiveness of the emergency planning, training and field drill. An emergency response team member is not sure what situations he/she might face in the real world. Therefore, emergency response training should address on the transfer of process knowledge, attitude and skill. Every possible accident is unique; the emergency response team members have to respond to each emergent situation promptly and properly. Thus, emergency response training programs must prepare responder to promptly detect the onset of an emergency, assess its demands, and effectively take actions to the situation. This study developed a comprehensive questionnaire to survey how well the emergency response team members are prepared to deal with different scenarios, how they perceive the team-work spirit, how they evaluate the effectiveness of the different education and training methods in the program in a semiconductor foundry. The survey results may pinpoint the vulnerability of the emergency response training program and may provide some insight to strengthen the training program in the semiconductor industry. After analyzing the survey data, we may concluded that A.The emergency response capability is closely related to the amount of training hours, the member’s experience, the degrees of belonging and affinity towards the plant. B.There is still room for improvement regarding to the current mode of emergency response exercise based on the script, the corrections on the repeated flaw during exercises.


【3】馮宣皓、謝賢書、何三平,高科技廠房建築防火與消防設施 -以晶圓廠為例,工業安全衛生研討會,2004


