  • 學位論文


A Study on the Mechanism of Bulk Transfer for Reserved Public-Facility Lands

指導教授 : 吳彩珠


容積移轉(Transfer of Development Rights, TDR)源自於歐美國家為保護文化資產、自然環境及生態保育所創設之發展權移轉,多應用於古蹟、歷史保存區與環境敏感地區之保存,並輔以都市成長管理計畫之推行。而在台灣,因政府長期受困於公共設施保留地取得問題,則將容積移轉適用範圍擴大應用於公共設施保留地取得,各縣市亦陸續依據內政部訂定之「都市計畫容積移轉實施辦法」訂定自治條例。 本研究爰藉由檢視容積移轉制度及國內法令制度,以高雄市為案例,透過GIS空間分析及相關統計資料分析其於民國95年至101年間,容積移轉機制應用於公共設施保留地取得之執行情形,冀能提供未來相關容積移轉制度改良或推動之參考。 本研究對於高雄市公共設施保留地容積移轉機制研究結果如下: 一、公共設施保留地以容積移轉取得之實施成效欠佳,難達「加速公共設施保留地取得」及「提升都市生活品質」之目的,建議移轉之公共設施項目、規模及接受基地公共設施服務水準應進一步管制。 二、對公部門而言,若公共設施用地送出基地無配套管制,以折繳代金方式優於以公共設施保留地辦理容積移轉。


The developing of TDR is for the protection of cultural assets and the conservation of natural environment and eco-system in United States and Europe area. Most casts of TDR are used to reserve the historical district and the sensitive areas, in addition to manage the urban development. In Taiwan, the government expands the use of TDR to retain the lands for public-facilities use, in order to resolve the long-tern struggling of the stortage of public-facilities lands.Base on the regulation of the 「The Implementation Measures of TDR in Urban Planning」, the local government adodp the measures one after another. This study examines the TDR policy and domestic laws regime, through GIS spatial analysis, and uses cases in Kaohsiung City to analize the implementation situation of TDR from year 95 to year of 101. The results of the study on TDR of Kaohsiung are as follows: 1.The purposes to speed up the retaining of public-facility lands and to improve the quality of urban life by using traditional practice are not achieveable. The study sugguests a further step of regulation on the lists of public-facilities, scale and service standard shoud be controled . 2. The public sector, if no public facilities supporting regulatory sending base, way better than a discount voucher to monetary for public facilities reservation TDR.


