  • 學位論文


A Study of Tradition Funtions of Renshou Temple in Guerien

指導教授 : 溫振華


寺廟在鄉土教育至為重要,是觀察一地歷史發展的切入點。仁壽宮是台南市歸仁區的重要公廟,本文從鄉土教育的角度,解析該廟的功能,並從事一些追本溯源的探討。 仁壽宮主祀保生大帝,並有福德正神、註生娘娘、文昌帝君等神明,本文對於上述諸神,蒐集文獻及他人研究,說明神明淵源歷史,並對其傳說故事與相關記載詳加研究,裨益鄉土教學。 對於寺廟的祭典,以中元節為例,說明其祭典的過程及儀式之意義,以了解祭典的內涵。此外,對於配合祭典以娛神而有的藝陣活動,以宋江陣為例,深入研究其轉變流程,呈現鄉民社會生活的一面,了解其形式上與實質上的功能。 另外,對寺廟建築的了解,在鄉土教育中亦極重要,藉由建築空間及壁畫內容,可認識寺廟的多神功能,也可窺見其處處用心的教化功能。 最後,對於仁壽宮透過網路技術與國際認證,行銷仁壽宮,說明傳統寺廟當代的新變遷,不但跟得上時代潮流,也跟得上全球化的腳步,持續發揮其教育、經濟、政治、文化、社會功能。


Temples play important roles in native education, hence they are good starting points to observe the history of a place. Renshou Temple is a major public temple in Guerien District, Tainan City. From the perspective of native education, this study tries to analyze the functions of this temple, and investigate the origins of them. Renshou Temple mainly worships Emperor Paosheng, Land God, Goddess of Child-giving and Wenchang God. In order to benefit native education, this study collects documents and other people’s researches, explains the historical background of the above gods and goes further to explore the stories and legends about them. As for the ceremonies of the temple, we take Ghost Fetival as example to explain the process of the ceremony and the meaning of the ritual, so to understand the implication of the ceremony. besides, along with the ceremony, for entertaining gods, there are Folk Parade activities. We take Song Jiang Battle Array as example to go further to explore its transitional process, thus present the aspect of social life of local people and understand its formal and actual functions. Similarly, the appreciation of temple construction weighs a lot in native education. Through the space of the building and the content of the frescoes, we can know the polytheistic functions of the temple and perceive its comprehensive endeavor of enlightenment function. By virtue of Internet technology and international certificate, Renshou Temple makes itself more popular. It shows the new transformation of traditional temples. They not only can keep up with the times, but also can catch up with the pace of globalization, therefore go on playing big roles in educational, economic, political, cultural and social functions.


王順民,《當代台灣地區—宗教類非營利組織的轉型與發展》,(台北市:紅葉文化事業股份有限公司), 2001年。
