  • 學位論文


A study of employing RFID technology on improving the efficiency of mold management in automobile parts industry

指導教授 : 徐文華


近年來由於全球化的競爭,使得物流供應鏈上的每個環節重新被檢視,經營者無不希望能從中尋找到新的競爭優勢。本文所探討的汽車模具倉儲由於作業環境等因素,仍維持傳統的人工管理模式,在模具管理的效率上有待改善,而RFID技術即為本文所規劃導入的新技術。 本文首先觀察實務上的作業環境,了解汽車模具倉儲管理的現況與問題,並從管理現況與問題擬定汽車模具倉儲管理相關的關鍵績效指標,接著,以模具倉儲管理的關鍵績效指標作為模具倉儲管理成本函數建立之參考基礎,針對汽車模具倉儲流程的成本結構,建立一個數學模式。 本文將各個模具管理相關數值代入成本函數,評估適合導入RFID技術的模具倉庫規模,並依各數值對損益平衡模具數量影響程度的不同,將模具管理相關數值分成四類,在移除其中對損益平衡模具數量無明顯影響的模具管理相關數值後,取得新的成本函數,最後根據本研究所得到的結果,提出導入RFID技術於模具倉儲管理時,應優先考慮的因素。


As the global competition becomes intense in recent years, it becomes very important to review the efficiency of every step in the logistics supply chain in order to gain the competitive advantages. This paper discusses the influences of the factors when the RFID technologies are implemented to replace the manual process in the mold management of the automotive parts industry. We first observed the mold management processes in a real environment. The processes were recorded and analyzed. The efficiency problems were collected and categorized. The key performance indicators were derived from the above analyses and a cost model was constructed. A series of sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate the influences of each coefficient of the cost function. The current values of the cost function were investigated and used as a base for the discussion. The value was used as the profit and loss balance point. Under detailed examinations, we found the effects of cost items can be categorized into four types. One of them has nearly no effect on the balance value, therefore it were removed from the original coust function. Finally, according to the results obtained in this study, we proposed several suggestions for the industry if they tried to implement the RFID technologies.


mold management RFID KPI


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