  • 學位論文


Determining the Optimal Batching Interval Size and Production Planning Strategy in Order Promising

指導教授 : 廖祿文


近年來,供應鏈的競爭變得越來越激烈,企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)系統的實施已無法避免,而大部分的ERP系統已支援自動的訂單承諾分析過程。可允諾量(Available to Promise, ATP)在供應鏈體系中,是為了快速回應顧客需求所必須具備的重要功能,幫助企業在面臨顧客要求縮短訂單允諾速度、交貨日期與供應商低庫存政策環境下,縮短企業訂單處理流程時間、改善回應顧客需求時間、提高整體服務水準與有效的資源利用。 本研究透過建立一最佳化可允諾量分配模型,使製造商能在同時考量顧客需求、產能限制與物料供給的情況下提出最適當的批次區間與產品品項之生產規劃決策,並提供企業一個可允諾量分配的準則與標準,進一步使得在合理的成本範圍內達到更高的顧客服務水準,並增加企業的獲利能力,更達到利潤最大化。本研究發現批次區間大小會影響系統執行成本,訂單允諾數量,在不同產能限制下的利潤,訂單拒絕張數以及罰金成本。生產規劃策略不會受到不同供需比例與產能限制的影響,但會影響利潤以及生產與存貨成本。


Recently, competition among supply chain is becoming intense and implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is inevitable. Most of ERP systems support an automated order commitment analysis process. To strengthen company’s competitive advantage and strategic differentiators in the marketplace, company need to continually evaluate the effectiveness of their supply chain. Available-to-promise (ATP) systems deal with a number of managerial decisions related to order capture activities in company, including order acceptance/ rejection, due date setting, and resource scheduling. Furthermore, it can also curtail order processing time, improve customer response time, enhance service level and use resources effectively. In this research, a mixed integer programming (MIP) ATP model is presented for solving the order promising problem. This model can determine the optimal batching interval size and production planning strategy under ATP mechanism. Simulation experiments in the model investigate the trade-off between batching interval size and production planning strategy. This research observed that batching interval size affects system execution cost, order promised quantity, total profit under varying capacity-utilization tightness, missed customer orders and penalty costs. And production planning strategy will not change with various supply-demand ratios and desired utilization targets but with the number of order, and order arrival time, and affects total profit, finished production, and material inventory cost.


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