  • 學位論文


Relevance and Couplet Approaches to the Translation of Dietary Terms – An Italian Cuisine Example

指導教授 : 藍月素


烹飪是各國文化特色的代表之一,在文化間的交流也扮演著重要的角色。然而,目前在兩岸三地,關於烹飪文化及餐點名稱之研究,多著重於中式餐點及其名稱之英譯,相較之下,西式餐點及其名稱之中譯的研究較為缺乏。餐點名稱的翻譯可做為不同文化間溝通的橋樑,故西式餐點名稱中譯的翻譯策略值得重視。本研究目的即在於提出翻譯策略,重現西式餐點名稱中之文化詞彙及其意涵,以紐馬克翻譯新詞的「雙管齊下」(couplets) 做為主要的翻譯策略,透過問卷評估「雙管齊下」的翻譯策略是否可以為讀者在閱讀餐點名稱時,建立不同文化之間的最佳關聯。本研究結果顯示,文化詞彙必須以多重的翻譯策略解釋,譯者也必須考慮讀者在閱讀時所可能產生的相關聯想。本研究對於文化詞彙的翻譯策略有其重要性,期望透過此翻譯策略,增進讀者對異國文化的認識。


Cuisine, as an indispensable part of a culture, plays an important role in cultural exchange. Regarding translating cuisine and dish names, most research focuses on translating Chinese cuisine names into English, with research on translating Western cuisine dish names from English into Chinese being particularly rare. Effective dish name translation serves as a communication bridge between different two countries, making Western dish names particularly worthy of translation. The purpose of this research is to propose couplet translation approaches to help translate cultural terms present in Western cuisine dish names. The methods used in this research are content analysis and survey. Based on Peter Newmark’s translation strategies for new words, this research adopts the “couplet” approach as the main approach. In addition, based on D. Sperber and D. Wilson’s “relevance theory”, this research uses a questionnaire to evaluate if couplet translation approach can create an optimal relevance for the readers when they read the translation of the dish names. The results of this research show that cultural terms have to be translated by “transliteration + componential analysis”, “literal translation + free translation” and “literal translation + componential analysis”. The translator also has to consider the relevant connection that the readers may make when they are reading. To conclude, this research is of importance in explaining the translation approaches of cultural terms and in providing a better understanding of their influence on readers.


English References:
Gutt, E. (1992). Relevance theory: a guide to successful communication in translation. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Gutt, E. (2004). Translation and relevance: cognition and context. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
Civitello, L. (2003). Cuisine And Culture: A History of Food And People. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Lederer, M. (2003). Translation (N. Larche, Trans.). Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.
