  • 學位論文


Promotion on Occupation Safety and Health of Superior Public Works-Example on Steel Box Girder Bridge Lifting.

指導教授 : 何三平


「推動職業安全衛生優良公共工程及人員選拔作業要點」之殊勝乃在於由政府運用行政規則,對工程主辦單位、民間投入公共工程領域在職業安全衛生上具有顯著貢獻的鼓舞性獎勵,其國家成本除了功勛、獎牌、獎金之外,更有政府採購相關法系上對於列入優良廠商資料庫、優良廠商繳納之押標金、履約保証金或保固金得予以減收、工程勞動檢查的減免。隨著工程技術之不同、投入公共工程之團體日趨國際化,因此所預防之危害亦不同。 本研究以委託監造服務營建管理運作機制為出發點並與國內相關法系對照,自經營政策、安全監造技術、災害防救之鄰水作業緊急防災應變、職災通報及其他特殊優良機制等大綱。在此以山區作業之基樁施工(鑽掘樁)與鋼箱型梁橋吊裝為例。自開工前準備、施工查驗點查驗時委託監造單位安衛執行情形、執行過程安衛缺失之危害因子分析並輔以「在建工程防汛風險評估表」及「基樁施工(鑽掘樁)施工作業風險管制表」做為風險危害評估;其中以監造安衛工程師為對象問卷針對業主工程承辦人員本質安全文化的營造、監造同僚安全領導型態及施工廠商安全矛盾度與安全行為關係之信任評估,另外就目前工程施工人員缺工之狀態並加以探討;發現職業安全衛生法系融入施工規範有利於本質安全文化的提升,監造單位各級主管的安全型態若為高關懷高控制利於安全與工進進展,施工廠商對於與監造單位的良性互動增加互信互助,有利安衛宣導及推展,可減少施工勞工的對立矛盾心態及施工時的不安全行為。 對於山區工程作業職業安全衛生管理思潮除了一般施工安全外,頁岩地質工區施工危害及土石流潛勢地區施工安全危害亦十分重要,在本土流行病及野生動物生物性危害諸如紅螞蟻、毐蛇、登革熱病媒蚊、狂犬病、WN(West Nile rirus)、大腸桿菌等;另外例如結合觀光政策及睦鄰政策,最後建議未來對於勞動部所舉辦檢定通過甲或乙級的相關技術士人員納入跨國工程師、亞太工程師及認許專業工程師行列。 將來勞動部主辦此活動時相關工程單位因時制宜的應用本論文大綱於巨額公共工程及工程界之參考以昭慎重。


The most intriguing of “Highlights for promoting selection of excellent public works and personnel in occupational safety and health” is that the government uses administrative rules to award those who have had significant contributions as project organizers or civil public works investors in occupational safety and health. The country not only gives merits, medals and award money, the government also lists them in the superior enterprise database, which then allows the companies to pay the deposit for superior enterprises, receive reductions for performance bonds and mitigation of labor inspections on projects. Due to the various types of engineering technology, and the globalization of groups involving in public works, the hazards in need of prevention vary accordingly. This research used the commissioned supervision service for construction operation and management as a starting point and compared it to the related domestic laws. Afterwards, an outline for self-management policies, safe supervision techniques, emergency response for disaster prevention and relief work near water, post-disaster communications and other special mechanisms. Here, a foundation construction (boring pile) and hoisting of steel box type bridges was used as an example. Beginning from pre-construction preparation, to the inspections of the inspection points by the supervision units during construction, to the lack of safety during construction, the hazard factors were analyzed while using “Flood control and risk assessment form” and “Foundation construction (boring pile) risk control form” to conduct risk assessment; among them, the questionnaire for the supervision engineers focused on a trust evaluation of the safety culture of the owners of the contractor personnel, the form of safety leadership by the supervisors and contradictions regarding safety for construction firms. Another focus was the discussion of lack of work for the construction workers. It was discovered that utilizing occupational safety and health laws in construction standards aided in the establishment of safety culture; if the form of safety leadership by the supervisors was high concern high control, it would help in both safety and progress aspects. Good dialog between the construction firms and supervision units result in mutual trust which is positive for the advocacy and promotion of safety, while also diminishing the contradictory mentality of workers and unsafe behavior during construction. For the occupational safety and health mentality in mountain work, not only is construction safety under normal circumstances important, the hazards during construction on shale rock and mudslide zones are important as well. Another important aspect to consider are local epidemics and biological hazards from wildlife such as, fire ants, poisonous snakes, Dengue fever vector mosquitos, rabies, West Nile virus, E.coli etc. Moreover, due to tourism and neighboring policies, it is recommended in the future that related technicians who have Level A or B qualifications should be used as transnational engineers, Asia-Pacific engineers and recognized professional engineers. In the future, related engineering units should utilize this outline for public works and for reference in the engineering field during events held by the Ministry of Labor.


47. 職業安全衛生管理法第2-1條。2014。
48. 職業安全衛生管理法第5-1條。2014。
54. 施工架,職業安全衛生管理法第43條。2014。
4. 行政程序法,第16條。2014。
62. 安全衛生工作守則,職業安全衛生法第34條。2014。
