  • 學位論文


The Research of Educational Marketing Strategies for Aletheia University Matou Campus

指導教授 : 顏義文


本研究旨在探討真理大學麻豆校區大學日間部學生對學校教育行銷策略認同程度、學校教育行銷功能認知情形。本研究採問卷調查法,就385份有效問卷所得的資料,採用次數分配、加權計分、排序、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe事後檢定等統計方法進行實證分析,並根據研究結果提出結論與建議,以提供真理大學麻豆校區行銷規劃及未來相同研究之參酌之用。本研究獲取若干結論如下: 一、真理大學麻豆校區的大學生對學校教育行銷策略持正向認同,以「價格策略」及「人員策略」層面認同度最高;實施的成效介於中等及低等之間。 二、真理大學麻豆校區不同性別、年級及居住區學生對於學校教育行銷組合策略的認同,大致上無顯著差異。 三、學生對推展學校行銷主要功能大多持正向認知,這有助於學校推展教育行銷的工作,凝聚未來發展的共識及向心力。 四、真理大學麻豆校區的大學生對學雜費收費首重合理。 五、學生對行政人員的要求重點在於服務的熱忱及速率。 六、學生對於校園環境的規劃及軟硬體設備的建設,是有所期待的。 七、教育行銷工作推行之成敗在於溝通,宜加強學校教職員工與學生間溝通管道之建立與維護。


This research is to explore the recognition degrees and the perceptions of functions involved in university educational marketing strategies from the views of undergraduate students in private universities. 385 undergraduate students of Aletheia University Mato Campus were surveyed with the questionnaire that was designed by author as a research tool. The collected data given from the survey were analyzed using frequency distribution, weighted mean, sort, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe’ method. Based on the results of investigation, conclusions and recommendations are given as a reference for universities to design their marketing plans and also for future research. The contributions of this research are: 1. The undergraduate students of Aletheia University in Mato Campus positively acknowledge the university educational marketing strategies, and give the highest level of approval about the price strategy and people strategy discussed in this research. 2. The identifications of university educational marketing given from the students, who have different backgrounds such as gender, location, scope, the situation of enrollment, are few significantly different. 3. From students’ point of views, promoting school educational marketing functions are mostly positive, and that is helpful as universities promoting their educational marketing. However, “to face the low birth rate direction, to deal with the distress of recruitment” is a rather lower recognition given from students. The reasons of lower identification are worthy to discover. 4. Because this research approaches a subject in terms of student, discover the tactics need to coordinate the work with student's communication when being made, it is unlikely to produce great gap. 5. The students believe that the university educational marketing is not at ideal status and needs some more improvement.


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