  • 學位論文


The Research of System Design and User Satisfaction of the Panorama Environmental Education System - A Case Study of Barclay Memorial Park

指導教授 : 賴信志


環境教育發展至今,在推行環境教育時,仍會遇到許多限制與困境,在環境教育的研究中,提到需要開發新的研究工具來學習環境教育。而在早期,虛擬實境由於對於電腦設備的需要較高,無法被大量採用,但隨著網路科技的發展與電腦運算技術的提升,虛擬實境已成為熱門的話題。基於上述背景與動機,本研究以虛擬實境、空間概念、情境學習理論為教學基礎,並以街景服務為發展工具,根據相關資料和文獻,發展一套全景環境教育系統,來克服老師在推行環境教育所會面臨的限制,希望藉由此系統提高學生的學習動機及學習興趣,並且能提高學生對於環境教育的興趣。主要目的為:1.設計一套系統結合巴克禮紀念公園生態環境知識,並適合環境教育課程的學習工具2.探討此全景環境教育系統教學之學習成效3.評估學習者對於使用全景環境教育系統學習之滿意度。 本研究採用準實驗法,實驗組利用全景環境教育系統進行學習,對照組採用傳統簡報教學進行學習,總施測人數112人(實驗組51人、對照組61人),透過前、後測網頁問卷取得量化資料後,以描述性統計及變異數檢定進行分析,並依結果加以討論。 根據量化資料分析:1.由前、後測總分得知,實驗組和對照組,在知識測驗的學習成效都有顯著的差異,但對照組優於實驗組,顯示在系統的設計與課程的教學上,仍有地方需要探討。2.透過學習者的基本填答得知,普遍學生家中都擁有電腦、平板和智慧型手機,而學生對於街景的瞭解程度中,沒有任何學生不知道街景,只有少數的學生沒有使用過,因此對於街景的瞭解,大部分的學生都知道街景服務這個功能,3.由系統使用滿意度得知,實驗組的學習者對於系統的滿意度都有正向的回應,學生對於使用系統後更容易理解巴克禮紀念公園之滿意度高達九成(90.0%)、且對於系統提供的資訊(77.5.0%) 、對公園的認識有很大幫助(77.5.0%)、和幫助我找出在公園中我最想去的地方(75.0%)等,都有七成以上的滿意度,透過滿意度的分析顯見本研究所設計之全景環境教育系統,可以讓學習者更容易理解,且對於學生在學習上有很大的幫助,可以引發學習者的動機並獲得高度的滿意度。


In the implementation of environmental education have been encountered many predicament and limitations, the literature of environmental education research found that we need to develop new research tools to understand learning in environmental education. In the early days, the high demand for virtual reality computer equipment, make it can’t be widely adopted. But with the development of network technology and computing technology, virtual reality has become a hot topic. This study designed a system based on virtual reality, spatial concept, situated learning, and use Street View for the development tools. According to relevant literature, developed the Panorama Environmental Education System to overcome the limitations of the implementation of environmental education. We hope that through this system to improve student motivation and interest in learning, and improve student interest in environmental education. In this study, the research purposes are 1. Design a system combined with environmental education and ecological knowledge of the Barclay Memorial Park, and used it for environmental education programs. 2. To discuss the learning effectiveness of the Panorama Environmental Education System. 3. Evaluate learner Satisfaction. Quasi-experimental method is adopted to evaluate the performance, using the Panorama Environmental Education System is assigned to the experimental group and the control group is using Traditional briefing for Teaching, the total number of test facilities is 112 (51 in the experimental group and control group 61), through a pre-test and post-test questionnaire the descriptive statistics, ANOVA analysis of quantitative data and the questions are discussed. According to quantitative data analysis showed that: 1.All of the testing’s scores shown significant improvement by using the Panorama Environmental Education System and using the Traditional briefing for Teaching in learning outcomes of knowledge. We also found the outcome of using the Traditional briefing for Teaching is better than using the Panorama Environmental Education System. These results indicate that the design of system and program of teaching need to be explored. 2.From the results of the investigation, students generally have computers, tablets and smartphones, For the level of understanding of the Street View, have no students don't know the Street View, only a few students have not used. Therefore, most of the students know the Street View. 3. By the assessment of user satisfaction, the satisfaction of after using the system is easier to understand Barclay Memorial Park; it's up to 90.0% in experimental group learner. In addition, information provided by this system, Use the system help me to know the park a lot and help me to find out the place that I want to go, all of the results is totally more than 70%. Shown the design of this study, can make learner easier to understand and very helpful to students, lead to a highly motivated and satisfaction.


林小慧 (2008),「CISC教學策略與國中生微粒概念學習成效之相關研究」,教育心理學報,第39卷第4期,頁533-554。
