  • 學位論文

《Manolito Gafotas》西譯中與譯評

A Translation and Commentary on Spanish-to-Chinese of Manolito Gafotas

指導教授 : 方浩偲


由西班牙當代女作家愛爾薇拉‧林多創作的暢銷著名作品《四眼田雞系列》(Manolito Gafotas),在全世界已有超過二十種翻譯版本,作品內容透過一個馬德里的十歲小男孩,以詼諧有趣的方式,敘述學校及生活中發生的事。此系列的第一本《四眼田雞小瑪諾林》(Manolito Gafotas)清楚地介紹故事中的人物,以及小瑪諾林和他們一起經歷的事。《四眼田雞小瑪諾林》於2006年,由陳慧瑛小姐擔任翻譯,並由台灣星晨出版社發行中譯本。 《四眼田雞小瑪諾林》的故事內容提及許多馬德里當地的文化、使用許多口語化的表達方式,作者亦使用有趣的新詞等。這些特色使譯者在翻譯時面臨許多困難,再加上譯文讀者以兒童為主,亦應將兒童的閱讀及理解能力列入翻譯策略的考量。因此,本論文將以德國功能學派翻譯理論(German School of Functionalist Translation Theory)為基礎,探討《四眼田雞小瑪諾林》一書。採用弗米爾的目的論、兒童文學及翻譯,以及八種翻譯技巧的分類進行討論,以了解譯者陳慧瑛及筆者所使用的翻譯技巧有何差別。


Elvira Lindo is one of the famous comtemporary Spanish women writers; and her popular children’s book is Manolito Gafotas. It has been translated into more than 20 languages in the world. The leading role of this interesting story is a ten-year-old boy living in Madrid. Elvira descirbes Manolito’s family and school life through this little boy’s humorous tone. The first book of this series Manolito Gafotas introduces the characters and the story clearly. In addition, the Chinese version of Manolito Gafotas is published in 2006 by Morning Star Taiwanese publisher and translated by Chen Hui-Ying. In the book Manolito Gafotas, it has mentioned lots of cultural elements in Madrid and expressed by spoken language. Therefore, the translator can easily face the problems during the process. The translator also has to consider the reading ability and comprehension skill of the children-readers. In this study, we will discuss the book Manolito Gafotas based on German School of Functionalist Translation Theory, and focus on the differences of the translation between the translator and writer, from Skopos Theory, children’s literature and translation, and eight translation skills.


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